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The Art Vandershave

He's an importer/exporter :001_tt2:

Let me preface that I do like the Van Der Hagen Deluxe shave soap (the one with Aloe and Shea butter), BUT, the lather was always a bit subpar.

Here's what you do:

Melt it down into a suitable size container for bowl lathering.
Pour hot water into the bowl and let it sit during shower/coffee/any other time thief that will steal about 10 minutes from you.
Soak your brush of choice.
Wring that sucker out so it's just damp...no drips!
Swirl vigorously for about 30 - 45 seconds to load up the brush.
Drop in about half your normal amount of AoS sensitive (could substitute any cream, but then it wouldn't be the Art Vandershave).
Bowl lather as normal directly on top of the VdH soap.

You will be rewarded with a clean, rich, gooey lather. Since you're lathering on top of the puck, you can keep throwing water at it to your heart is content.

If you've got the VdH and haven't been happy with the results, give this a shot and let us know what you think. It's become one of my favorites.

Happy Friday all!:thumbup:
When I was just starting out with my crappy vintage Rex Boar (and VDH boar)... lathering on the puck was the only way I got acceptable lather. Tabac changed that.

Tabac... you don't have to lather on the puck!

Do a forum search for "SuperLather". People started doing this cream/soap combo awhile back to shore up soaps that were hard to get good lather out of. It got really popular for awhile then kinda fizzled out. I think the people that like it still do it, but it's not a big thing people promote like they did back then. From what I understand it really will work with almost any soap. I suspect the soaps really just there to increase the slip of the cream lather and doesn't HAVE to really do much lathering itself at all. That's based on my small amount of experience with cream lathers seeming to lack quite a bit of slip versus soaps, despite having the same appearance as a really nice soap lather.

But yeah, good advice for sure. If you can't get a solid lather this way, then you're really in trouble.
When I was just starting out with my crappy vintage Rex Boar (and VDH boar)... lathering on the puck was the only way I got acceptable lather. Tabac changed that.

Tabac... you don't have to lather on the puck!

Do a forum search for "SuperLather". People started doing this cream/soap combo awhile back to shore up soaps that were hard to get good lather out of. It got really popular for awhile then kinda fizzled out. I think the people that like it still do it, but it's not a big thing people promote like they did back then. From what I understand it really will work with almost any soap. I suspect the soaps really just there to increase the slip of the cream lather and doesn't HAVE to really do much lathering itself at all. That's based on my small amount of experience with cream lathers seeming to lack quite a bit of slip versus soaps, despite having the same appearance as a really nice soap lather.

But yeah, good advice for sure. If you can't get a solid lather this way, then you're really in trouble.

Hence the ultimate hybrid...The Croap :thumbup1:
Yeah, I knew about the superlather, I was just referring to this VDH specifically. Personally, to call this a "superlather" would bea stretch, in my opinion.

AdP lathered with MdC? That's a superlather.:001_wub:
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