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Thanks for all the tips and encouragement

I posted here a couple of weeks ago that I was about ready to quit this new adventure if things didn't start improving. Of course I got lots of encouragement to stay the course and lots of tips on things to improve. I'm here to say thank you and to report that I think I've turned the corner now, having gotten a week s worth of decently close shaves, with very little blood spilled.

Here's what made the biggest difference:

1. New, quality blades. My first shaves were with the Gillette blade shipped with my 1962 Gillette Fat Boy; who knows how old it was? The red paper cover looked antique. Pretty stupid trying to use it. A few days later my blade sampler arrived. While some are better than others (the Derby seem pretty good, I haven't the courage to try the Feathers yet) they are all a huge step up.

2. Learning the grain! I never really paid that much attention to the grain patterns of my beard until I kept reading about it being important at this site. Once I really started feeling for it I was surprised how many changes of direction my beard grain makes. Once I became familiar with it I saw a huge improvement in shaves. I go once with the grain, once at 90 degrees, then once against the grain. This gets a perfect shave on 80%, but I still have to touch up just under the jaw line and on either side of the Adam's apple. If I were to change one thing about all the good advice and instructions I've received, it would be to increase the emphasis on learning the grain.

3. A few more minutes building a thicker lather. I really wasn't building a very thick lather until I watched the mantic videos on youtube.

Once again, though, thanks for all the encouragement.

Go for the feathers! About a year ago I started using a DE. I ordered a sampler blade pack and used merkur for the first 3 shaves. I wasn't real happy with the shaves and on the 4th shave put in a feather. I know my technique wasn't the greatest but I just used "no pressure" and the feather gave me a fantastic shave. Don't be apprehensive to try one. I know all the hype about feathers kind of scare some people thinking they will cut their face into shreds. Once I used feather blades, then tried derby, IP, etc. and they were just too dull. The swedish gillette is close to a feather but more expensive.
Glad to hear about your shaves improving! Just think where you would be if you had given up. That's why it's important to ask questions, then put into practice what you heard.



Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Glad to hear yo stuck with it, and that we helped in that. Keep on keepin' on!
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