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Thank you guys!

Thanks for helping me get out of my nearly tshirt only wardrobe. I did wear a good amount of polo shirts too, but would probably never have dressed like this before B&B. This was for my 6 y/o daughter's first school holiday play, I certainly felt better dressing nicely for her event than a tshirt and a hoodie jacket. They still have their place in my wardrobe, but not for this event.



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Nicely attired, sir! There aren't many better self-esteem boosters than knowing you look good in what you are wearing.
Nicely done! Not only are you boosting your self esteem, you ARE setting the standard by which your daughter will now begin to measure every other man. You set the bar for her future. While clothes are NOT the measure of the man, how a man prepares himself to present to the world DOES say much about how he views himself and others.

Sorry - soap box time - bear with me: If a man presents for breakfast with his wife and/or family in his underwear and ratty t-shirt, the message is a lack of respect for his spouse/family. One need not be dressed to the nines, but ask what type of example you want to set - what type of man do you want your daughter to marry some day? For me - one who respects her and holds her in the highest regard. Given the opportunity to choose, a real man would not present before a throne (or my daughter, his queen!) in anything less than respectful attire.

i'm done venting now. Sorry. I am just tired of looking at males with their pants at their knees and their gruns fully exposed for the world to disrespect.
Honestly, I think it is cool A3MON that not only have you taken to look fabulous, you are humble enough to post a picture and share your new found look. AWESOME! I think your daughter (and other children, if you have any) are really fortunate to have you as their father!
Looking good man. I am in the same boat as you. I have some nice button ups and such but I don't have any nice jackets and classier shoes. I myself need to get out of that t-shirt, zip up skater brand sweatshirt and converse shoes look.
I don't think I'll ever give up my Chucks! They can still look good, I just wear a solid color pair, my current pair is grey.

I really like dressing nicer, my problem with wardrobe comes from being in the military. I like nicer clothes, but can't bring myself to purchase any as I'm always in uniform and don't have many chances to dress nicer. I don't want get dressed up just to run to walmart after my shift, ya know? Only on Sundays for church and the odd occasion once every few months like tonight do I get to wear nicer clothes.
Ya I like my chucks, but there are times when I shouldn't wear them. I just don't have much selection of shoes. I have a bunch of cross trainers that I get for free from work, but I wouldn't wear those out. So my chucks are my only black shoes aside from my dress shoes. I own a couple pairs of really nice and expensive Rock&Republic Jeans. I just need to get some more nice button ups,some classy t-shirts, and a coupe nice but casual jackets like a peacoat or field jacket. I always feel like I have poverty clothes when I am around my friends lol. they don't dress in suits or anything like that. They just know how to dress and have some really classy but comforting and casual clothes.
I do have a question. Should you button a sport coat like this when standing/walking? Its corduroy. I also have a navy blazer w/matching buttons that I usually button, but this one seems to look better to me open. What say you?
For just standing around, buttoned is fine. But if I am more active than that, which is my preference most of the time, I prefer open. Whether sport coat or suit coat.
I don't think I'll ever give up my Chucks! They can still look good, I just wear a solid color pair, my current pair is grey.

I really like dressing nicer, my problem with wardrobe comes from being in the military. I like nicer clothes, but can't bring myself to purchase any as I'm always in uniform and don't have many chances to dress nicer. I don't want get dressed up just to run to walmart after my shift, ya know?

Definitely a problem that stems from being in the military. My wardrobe consists of a lot of tshirts and polos, very similar to what yours is. Perhaps I need to start updating some of mine as well. Although I'd run into similar problems as well where I'm not wearing much of the nicer stuff that I'd get. But I'll keep it in mind and try to make some updates.
For just standing around, buttoned is fine. But if I am more active than that, which is my preference most of the time, I prefer open. Whether sport coat or suit coat.

I've given this question years of thought. If the jacket fits , there's something terribly elegant about the look with the jacket buttoned even if you're active and not just standing around. I've started keeping my jacket buttoned more and it just feels right. But that's the key, isn't it? It's got to feel right to you. Then you'll exude the confidence that is the real secret to every well dressed man.
It's got to feel right. Others that do what I do keep the coat buttoned, and while I don't know how they feel, they certainly look fine.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member

Days like today, when we can see that the B&B community has had positive effects on guys' lives, make this all worthwhile.

I do have a question. Should you button a sport coat like this when standing/walking? Its corduroy. I also have a navy blazer w/matching buttons that I usually button, but this one seems to look better to me open. What say you?

Buttoned when standing, unbuttoned when seated.

Never do up the bottom button, only the top one (if you have a 3-button jacket it becomes more complex whether you should button the top, middle or both top and middle ... but again, never the bottom.)

For just standing around, buttoned is fine. But if I am more active than that, which is my preference most of the time, I prefer open. Whether sport coat or suit coat.

You may want to consider a sports jacket with an "action back" ... extra folds of cloth behind the shoulders.


This is usually seen on English sporting jackets ... meant to give more freedom of movement to the arms so a gentleman could fire a shotgun or rifle at grouse, deer, pheasant &c with his jacket still buttoned.
That action back is interesting; appears to work like a pleat or gusset. In our place those who button, and those who don't, aren't going there--too conventional/boring!
Lookin good. I think since you are fairly casual with the jeans and what not, leaving it unbuttoned is kool. If I were in a suit, I would most likely keep it buttoned when standing.
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