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Thank you badgerandblade for making the transition to DE shaving a "smooth" one!

The middle of last week, I decided I had enough of paying outrageous money for new Mach 3 Pro Glide Fusion Blah blah blah cartridges so i started browsing Amazon for shavers. I stumbled upon a Edwin Jagger 89 DE shaver that had amazing reviews. I didn't even know what a DE shaver was and decided to check out the product details and reviews. Well, without knowing much about wet shaving, I ordered this shaver. A few minutes went by, and I realized I would probably need some spare blades...so another order was placed. I then remembered a review on the razor saying how bad the mass shaving gels are that come from the areosl cans are and started looking for some shaving creams. Boom, another order. This piecemeal process kept going until I had ordered a brush, a razor/brush stand, more shaving cream, pre-shave oil, a nick sealer, and more.
Sometime during this spending frenzy, I discovered this awesome website which is what turned me onto a lot of the products I ended up ordering. So I wanted to say "Thank You" to this community for all the awesome info you've gathered here over the years which made adopting wet shaving very easy and pain free.

I've completed two wet shaves so far and they've gone great. I just finished my second DE shave; my first was yesterday. I was pretty nervous about today's shave because I usually don't shave two days in a row due to irritation on my neck. I also didn't use my pre-shave oil today because I felt like my skin was too oily after yesterday's shave when I did use it. In hindsight, it was probably a bad idea not using the pre-shave oil because I also used a different aftershave and I may have changed too many things at once.
Anyway, I don't think my 2nd DE shave could have turned out better! My face has never felt this smooth before! No matter what direction I drag my hands across my face its smooth as silk. I had some irritation on my neck right after my shave but it cleared up within 2 mins of putting on my after shave products. I'm really lovin this wet shave thing and hope that with practice I can consistently achieve these type of results!

For those wondering, here's a picture of my setup:


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Congrats on finding B&B and wet shaving!

I use the AoS pre-shave oil as well but have ordered the Truefitt & Hill Ultimate shave cream and after shave balm. Can't recommend them enough.
Welcome to the forum. You have some fantastic gear already, and apparent good taste in products. That razor you have will enable you to try out a multitude of different blades without getting horrible shaves, even from the blades that don't work for you at all. You may get a bit of irritation or a few weepers/nicks, but you shouldn't tear your face up with anything.

You didn't mention what kind of blades you decided to go with, but to remain a member here you will need to have at least 300 blades in reserve or your account will autolock you out. :tongue_sm
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