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Thai Crystal Deodorant Stone/ Alum?

Hi - I found Thai Crystal Deodorant Stone's in a local herbal shop. I am wondering if they are the same as Alum blocks. It was $3.29 which is a LOT less expensive than the AOS Alum blocks.


If anyone knows if this is the same thing I would appreciate your input.
Thanks guys! At that price I can pick up a couple and toss them in my Dopp kit and it will serve two uses, and save room for some other shaving related item:biggrin:
Thanks guys! At that price I can pick up a couple and toss them in my Dopp kit and it will serve two uses, and save room for some other shaving related item:biggrin:

Yep. You might even be able to find it (different brand, but same thing) at your local drugstore in the deo/anti-persp section. Might be less expensive too.
For those of you in the know....What is different about an alum block? What does it have besides alum?
I make molded alum with my Grandkids in different colors. We color the alum mix and pour into silicon christmas molds. We end up throwing them out when they get bored with them.

I used to make dill pickles and can them with alum for the 'crunch'.

I believe the Thai Crystal stones are 100% potassium alum, but some deodorant stones also contain ammonium alum. From what I understand the ammonium stings like the dickens.
Look for an Indian Grocery Store... They sell Alum blocks for $1 - $2 =)
I actually bought a new one yesterday to replace one I lost on a trip last week.
Hi - I found Thai Crystal Deodorant Stone's in a local herbal shop. I am wondering if they are the same as Alum blocks. It was $3.29 which is a LOT less expensive than the AOS Alum blocks.


If anyone knows if this is the same thing I would appreciate your input.

Yep, they work the same. Check at health food stores, I've found the Thai stone's in a small travel size that has its own round tube. Works like a regular deodorant with a twist bottom. :tongue:
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