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TF&H 1805 cream - I almost barfed, when I shaved using it today :(

I really tried to like this scent - because it does remind me of the popular Acqua di Gio scent, but there is just something in 1805, which makes me nauseous, almost ill and I almost gagged while shaving with it today :a46:

Have you ever tried a cream or a fragrance that literally made you gag View attachment 266918

I'm glad I only bought the 75 ml tube of the 1805 cream, because I'm throwing this stuff out immediately.
Also tried Grafton, and it was slightly better, but still not any where close to the cologne scented shaving creams I own from Penhaligon (all 3), AOS creams, Acqua di Parma, Xpec - is it me or do the TF&H cologne scented shaving creams just not cut it :huh:
I remember buying the tub of Sandalwood expecting the good old sandalwood scent, but was utterly disappointed when I found out I had bought the new version, which smells even more synthetical than TOBS Sandalwood and GFT Sandalwood, so much that I threw my jar of TF&H Sandalwood out and instead filled the jar up with 2 tubes of Erasmic Jordan shaving cream.....

As it is I only like 2 of TF&H's creams - Rose and Ultimate Comfort.
The cologne scents are just not for me - while I love all 3 Penhaligon cologne scented creams, the TF&H seems cheaply made and all barf worthy IMHO

YMMV of course as always - just disappointed that I hated 1805 that much, when others have praised it so much. Just shows how subjective this all is !
I did use a tester of 1805 - but I had a cold the week I did the test - so obviously did not quite smell how 1805 really smelled like...... $vomit.gif
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Can I have it if you dont want it? I'll try anything once :biggrin1:

The only cream I ever found repugnant was Palmolive it reminded me of washing powder, a really soapy chemical smell
I got some T&H West Indian Limes that I didn't like; I ended up selling it. I know a lot of people like T&H products but I thought the cream was just okay.
I found most T&H creams to be over scented, but I loved the Ultimate Comfort. Rose was too floral for me, but it certainly wasn't overpowering.
On the other hand Ultimate Comfort made me almost barf. I dont know why

I find 1805 pleasant and would rotate it in again especially in light of its extraordinary performance. I am almost out of it though and may rotate in a Rose (T&H or Trumpers) or AK 1869 instead
I quite enjoy 1805. I also really enjoy their Sandalwood, which to me smells nothing like sandalwood but more similar to Blue Water. Both are in my rotation as my #3(Sandalwood) and #6(1805).


B&B's Man in Italy
I love the scent of the 1805, but find that the performance of the Ultimate Comfort is just superior for me.

P.S. How will the 1805 shaving soap be? I'm really intrigued by this one!
I think the Trafalgar scent is wonderful. It's the only T&H I've tried. It's not too over-powering and occasionally I wish the scent was stronger. I do plan on selling the tube I have only because I'm purging my den of all creams except my Proraso (for travel). It's definitely one of those indescribable scents that I think is captivating. I thought the lather was on par with any other cream I've tried.


I’m stumped
I tried the samples and also found them to be a bit strong for my taste.
before throwing it in the bin try mix it with something else to tame the sent a bit.
This just shows how different a scent can be perceived.

I do enjoy Acqua Di Gio, although it's a mainstream scent that almost all have tried once in their life, I think it's a well composed scent from Armani and I do wear my ADG once every 2 months or so during the spring and summer, but 1805 just has a certain note in it, which smells sickly cloying to me and not fresh at all.

Well, one cream less to care about in my den :biggrin1:

Performance of the 1805 and Grafton was okay, nothing spectacular - as Marco said, I still think Ultimate Comfort followed by Rose has the edge in performance among the TF&H creams.
I'm slowly moving away from cologne scented shaving creams - will probably never dump my 3 Penhaligons though, because they are classy cologne scents in a shaving creams, Same with Xpec, Acqua Di Parma and my new Floris 89 purchase.


Just a FYI, I thinkI read that SHM, Søren the Semogue brush fanatic, also came close to barfing when he tried 1805 and had to sell it immediately - I agree with him on 1805, definitely a barf worthy scent...ha...ha...... $vomit-in-paper-bag-smiley-emoticon.gif
I tried the cologne and it was great!!!

However, when someone wears JOOP, I get a migraine and nauseous. It could be an allergy thing.
I was looking forward to trying my sample of 1805 as well and found that I did not care for the scent. There was something that was to cloying about it.
I intially really like the 1805 scent, but after using it for a while I grew very tired of it and actually find it kind of nauseating. I sold the cream and asb on BST.
I intially really like the 1805 scent, but after using it for a while I grew very tired of it and actually find it kind of nauseating.

I had a few creams like that, including TOBS Sandalwood & Mr Taylors. I couldn't stand to even open the tub after a while and finally the remaining cream got tossed. The most recent was Salters Indian Sandalwood which I PIF'd to another member. This year I switched mostly to soaps where the scents are lighter. I just don't like strong smelling creams like I once did. I even PIF'd my remaining CF lavender and lime.

I bought the T&H cream sample pack only because I wanted to try the Ultimate Comfort. Haven't used any of them yet. I'll have to note if any of them have that gag factor. For me, each sample will be a one time use so not liking them won't be a big deal.
The T&H "1805" shave cream was the first T&H cream I tried several years ago. I found out that I'm not overly fond of "marine" scents, although they certainly don't cause me to wretch. In addition to finding the scent to be indifferent, at best, the cream was for me a tolerable, but not outstanding, performer. In my opinion, the other T&H creams I've tried simply don't equal the performance of Taylor and Trumper creams, regardless of scent. I've always felt a bit embarrassed by not liking them quite as much as most shave forum members. Also, on a "per ounce" basis, they are quite expensive when compared to Taylor and even GFT creams. For purposes of full disclosure, I've never used the Ultimate Comfort shave cream.

You know, I won't lie and say I'm the biggest fan of 1805 and, admittedly, my amount of 1805 has gone down much slower than my Trafalgar, but I kinda like it at times. It reminds me of the ocean which I moved away from for my current job. I guess it's not for everyone, as is the case with any product, and i'm sorry you didn't have the best experience with it.
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