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tallow soaps

Does anyone know of any soaps out there that are tallow based like
penhaligon english fern....I have a real passion for the tallow based
soaps , especially after being lucky enough to get one from bullgoose
last month....they just seem to be a complete fit to my face///moisturizing,
slickness, feel, and the whole enchilada////thanks in advance for any help
Tabac, Strop Shoppe (certain varieties), RazoRock Artisan series are some tallow soaps that I really enjoyed. A lot of shave sticks contain tallow, and work wonderfully as soaps once grated or mashed into a bowl. Speick, Palmolive, and Arko sticks all contain tallow.
thank-you all very much////never even gave a thought to Wiki....i am not a stick
person by any means but guess i could mold it into one of my shave cups////again
thank you all////you all don't know or realize how greatful it makes one feel to get
such great responses....though I have been a wet shaver since i was a weee pup
there is still so much one doesn't know or has forgotten.....two months til i turn
67 but i learn something new here every day and enjoy the companionship...thanks
again.. duke
There are probably a hundred. Personally, I don't think it matters much. I've used several vegetable based soaps that easily equal any tallow I've tried.
Vintage you ask, Old Spice of course. Can still find it on internet auction sites. Still works after years on the shelf.
Strop Shoppe (tallow) is my personal go-to but I think Speick and Palmolive (stick) are both excellent runner-ups.
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