OK, so with much ballyho and whatnot about tallow, I thought I'd pontificate on the subject with my own ignorant and uninformed opinionated opinion:
I think of it this way: a really great chocolate chip cookie is made with butter, and yet so are crappy lousy ones. The key is in the rest of the ingredients, and how they work with, and in concert with the butter.
So, that is why a soap like Tabac is so rich and delicious, and yet another tallow based soap like Williams is bland and tasteless.
You can make a cookie with some other type of oil/margerine/glycerine/whatever, and get a pretty decent tasting lowfat, whatever cookie. But the truly great CC cookies are made with reall butter, and plenty of it. Same with shaving soaps.
All great soaps have tallow in them, yet not all soaps that have tallow in them are great.
I think of it this way: a really great chocolate chip cookie is made with butter, and yet so are crappy lousy ones. The key is in the rest of the ingredients, and how they work with, and in concert with the butter.
So, that is why a soap like Tabac is so rich and delicious, and yet another tallow based soap like Williams is bland and tasteless.
You can make a cookie with some other type of oil/margerine/glycerine/whatever, and get a pretty decent tasting lowfat, whatever cookie. But the truly great CC cookies are made with reall butter, and plenty of it. Same with shaving soaps.