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Tac Pens?

So my latest foray into this den of nuttiness is tactical pens. It's not necessarily the fact they can survive a car crash, although for me that's a plus if I ever need that feature. I like the fact that they are very durably built, and the ones that crumble my cookie (in this metaphor the "cookie" is my resistance to buying them) are the simple ones with very clean lines and an understated elegance. And, the fact of being able to shatter an orbital with a quick strike.

My latest acquisition (if this turns into an AD I will be highly displeased) is CRKT's Tao pen. It originally came with a Fisher refill cartridge, although its performance led me to believe it was a cartridge that had fallen behind someone's desk and been forgotten about for a decade or two. I replaced it with a blue Parker Gel refill, and now it writes like a honey.

Is anyone else a fan of the adamantium-solid tac pens, or is it only the crazy people who like them?
I have a Rotring tri pen with a heavy brass barrel that I have had for 20 or so years. It fills this bill very well as well. I have a red & blue ink in it and also a pencil adapter in the third slot.
I was going to mention my Rotring 600 as well. I don't think an actual tactical pen fits in my lifestyle very well. I figure the purpose is that they have a second use as a last resort type weapon that you carry around on your person at all times. Something you would use in the spur of the moment when nothing else is available instantly, not something you keep in a pack and dig out when you need it. Yet most are so large and cumbersome, that it's simply more convenient to carry around a regular pen and another tool for...."just in case". It is an interesting niche market, though, and some of the designs are very neat in their own right.
I've got a Schrade Tactical Pen, which is convertible between fountain pen and rollerball mode. I keep it as a rollerball, partly because I have enough better fountain pens inked already, partly because, as a fountain pen, it was a bit of a misstep. I didn't yet know about IPG nibs in the early days when I bought it. For those who don't already know, "Iridium Point Germany" is not necessarily the same as Iridium Point, made in Germany. Some of these Chinese "Germany" nibs can be decent, mine doesn't look bad, and some tweaking might make it write better than it actually does, but it doesn't seem worth the trouble.

Still, it's a decent rollerball, I like the fact that the cap screws on for posting, and if you think you can defend yourself effectively with a kubotan, this might be good for the purpose.
I've personally never carried one but this review was done by some guys I know and was interesting to watch.
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I have the same Schrade FP/PEN combo. I actually use the FP and it is decent for what it is, I also have a Smith & Wesson tactical pen, fitted with a Fisher space pen refill.
I work in the public security sector and I can vouch that I have used my lamy safari as a tactical pen. Many people buy these tac pens and never use them. I have used my lamy on quite a few occasions and it is one tough pen there are no dents or scratches on either of them. A friend has the uzi pen and the only thing I can say that's cool about it is that the top of the pen has a s&w and safe loc handcuff key. If you don't use handcuffs everyday it's not even that. I just use my regular cuff key and it looks less fiddly then using a large pen.

The uzi pen also looks like a weapon so you need to be prepared to be questioned about it and also risk having it used as a weapon on you.

Edit: That would be a sweet title. I stabbed a guy with a lamy :)
Whew, glad to know I'm not the only one! After using these solidly-built pens with quality cartridges, it's hard going back to a plastic ballpoint stick pen. Uni-Ball Jetstreams are nice, but that's about it.

I also have the Smith & Wesson tactical pen, fitted with a RiteInTheRain blue cartridge, and have found it to be very easy to handle. I don't find tac pens to be uncomfortable or bulky carried in a pocket. I actually prefer them over regular pens because the clips are heavier and they actually STAY in my pocket. I always carry one, it's habit now, just like carrying a Leatherman.

Cold Steel makes something called a Pocket Shark. It's basically a gigantic reinforced-body marker that can shatter a cinderblock. It is completely plastic, fiberglass, and other composite materials. I've worn it through metal detectors and going through airports, and never ever gotten a second look. Now, I see that Cold Steel makes it with a gray body so it looks like a Sharpie. Something else to get now...........


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I've broken up a bar fight or two with just a Sharpie :)

Sharpies make excellent kobutan type devices, and totally legal everywhere. Thick, rubberised toothbrush handles also have superb self defence applications. Getting caught with a proper "tactical pen" here would probably get you busted, not to mention what would happen if you had to use one on someone and hurt them badly. Then you were carrying a concealed weapon with intent to cause GBH, or something. "Improvised" weapons are always best, legally speaking. Plus, I've never seen a tactical pen that looks like it would be a nice pen to use, as a pen.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I bought this one recently. It's all titanium and very solid.

Pros are is doesn't look too tactical, so is unlikely to get much scrutiny by police, airport security, etc. Cons are that it doesn't have a whole lot of knurling for grip, so if you were to use it for poking people it might be slippery.

Anyway, it seems to write quite nicely, so just as a EDC pen I think it will be pretty robust.


I'm a Lumberjack.
These are in the category of cool things I will never use.
I did get the olight tac pen with flashlight. The ink cartridges are terrible almost useless.
I've got a Schrade Tactical Pen, which is convertible between fountain pen and rollerball mode. I keep it as a rollerball, partly because I have enough better fountain pens inked already, partly because, as a fountain pen, it was a bit of a misstep. I didn't yet know about IPG nibs in the early days when I bought it. For those who don't already know, "Iridium Point Germany" is not necessarily the same as Iridium Point, made in Germany. Some of these Chinese "Germany" nibs can be decent, mine doesn't look bad, and some tweaking might make it write better than it actually does, but it doesn't seem worth the trouble.

Still, it's a decent rollerball, I like the fact that the cap screws on for posting, and if you think you can defend yourself effectively with a kubotan, this might be good for the purpose.
Slivovitz I've got the same pen and I can't seem to find a rollerball refill. If you would, please tell me what brand you are using? Thanks OBL
Slivovitz I've got the same pen and I can't seem to find a rollerball refill. If you would, please tell me what brand you are using? Thanks OBL

These Schmidt refills are supposed to be correct.

Just to be thorough, here's a link to the ones I actually bought. I checked, and that's what I have in the pen right now. Yes, I know they're out of stock. :)

I use this pen very infrequently, but as I recall, although a Pilot G2 gel refill is just a smidgen too long, you can either squish it in there or trim a little off the end cap. You would not use the spring, of course. If you have a G2 around, you might want to try that.
I have three now, Coolhand Micarta, Hinderer Investigator and a Smith and Wesson. I use the Coolhand the most since it is light and stubby. With a Parker refill it writes well and it clips nicely into the pocket of athletic shorts. I don't consider any of these to be weapons, just rugged pens that can be carried easily when not wearing a shirt with a breast pocket.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Update on mine. Took out a nest of enemy soldiers, and stormed the castle.

Nah. But it really is a good writer, and has been my edc carry pen for a couple of weeks. The nib is just plated steel, I guess. But it is smooth. No leaks. Titanium is light to carry but solid.

I will update with a combat report, but as a pen it is doing well.

Ad Astra

The Instigator
The County Comm pens are worth a look.

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