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Tabac Deodorant Stick

I just picked up Tabac Deodorant Stick.

I love the smell of Tabac Shaving Soap so I thought I would try the deodorant.

WOW is this stuff strong.

Is it me or is this a very strong smelling deodorant?

I normally use antiperspirant sticks that are not strong smelling.

It could be that I used way too much as I applied several passes under each armpit?

Do you use this very sparingly?


I went through about a half dozen sticks when I first got into the Tabac experience.

I didn't find the scent to be overwhelming. It had a tendency to go dormant for several hours, then when it gets re-activated by body heat, and "Whooomp, there it is!"

I used what I thought was a normal amount, but found I was going through a stick each month, which I thought was an extravagant expense. When the price went up on the deo-sticks, I stopped buying them, and switched to Tabac deo-spray.
Similar smell, and each can lasted about 4 times longer than a stick, so it was much more cost-effective.
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