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Superspeed=Super (almost perfect) Razor

I just finished a week with a 1960's near mint birth quarter flare tip Superspeed purchased from a member on the b/s/t (thanks, Colin).

It seems the head design allows for audio feedback better (to me) than other DEs I've tried, and that really helped me find good blade angle and pressure combinations resulting in BBS smooth (BBS lasted almost 12 hours yesterday), irritation free shaves. I used yellow Gillette 7:00 blades. I am impressed by this workhorse of a razor.
Im really enjoying using my 1963 Super Speed Flare tip this week.

My 40s and Red Tip both have the fatter head profiles. My flare tip is lower profile and feels pretty good.

Congrats and enjoy!
I bought my very first vintage razors a few weeks ago, one of them is an A1 Flare tip (the lot was actually two A1 Flare tips and a ball-end tech). It will have to wait until I'm done experimenting with my new soaps, but it is on the priority list of changes to make to my shaves. Although I generally prefer more aggressive razors I'm excited to see what it's like compared to modern razors.
I bought my very first vintage razors a few weeks ago, one of them is an A1 Flare tip (the lot was actually two A1 Flare tips and a ball-end tech). It will have to wait until I'm done experimenting with my new soaps, but it is on the priority list of changes to make to my shaves. Although I generally prefer more aggressive razors I'm excited to see what it's like compared to modern razors.

eth, using my 40's SS made me decide to sell my only modern razor, a Merkur 34c. To me, there was no comparison (YMMV of course).
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