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Stupid Mistake = Chipped razor

the beautiful I found while antiquing last week is ruined.
I feel like a horses ***. So I was polishing it up a little with my dremel tool and it slipped with the metal rotating part of the dremel making contact with the edge of the razor. Is my 12 dollar Gem gone? I was thinking if there is nothing I can do I would use it to practice honing. $photo.jpg$photo.jpg


I got moves like Jagger
That's a shame, but not a total write-off. Provided you're okay with a narrower blade, take it to a coarse stone and you can remove that chip. The good thing is that it is a shallow chip, not a deep one or a crack.
It's also time to look for another, this was my first blade and I never got a chance to use it. I started a thread a couple of days ago and based on the advise on there I'm reaching out to Larry from Whipped Dog (where I got all my brushes from) and getting a sight unseen with a strop. he's got a double strop for 25 bucks. Plus Larry is great to deal with. I see myself learning to restore / honing these things eventually. I'm going to start out with a 2 razor rotation as per advice of a member on here.

I'll try and remove the chip eventually. What a shame though.
I did a similar thing with one of my old razors. It had a big chip in it and I was terrorizing it with the DMT 325. Ended up cracking the edge about a half inch in from the heel.
Breadknife that guy. That looks like 2 hours to breadknife and set the bevel. Maybe 3. If you have a 325 dmt. If you are using a 1k, I have no idea.
Glad to see the sensible anti-breadknife crew got here!

just one that puppy normally and you'll be fine
Hey thanks for the words of encouragements I decided to use a stone I bought from a hardware store a long time ago and went at it. I used tape on the spine and honed for about 2 hours.
I'm very happy with the results plus I have a very sharp razor. What do you guys think it work huh?

The edge looks good. You will just have to take it up through the ranks. It's definitely lucky that you wound up with such a wide/shallow chip! I have honed out a couple chips that were deeper than that, not a lot of fun, but the good news is both wound up being excellent shavers :). Good luck!
No clue, I have some razors coming in the mail so I can shave with them. At least I'll know what a razor should shave like.
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