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Stupid Barbasol Commercial

Anyone seen this ******* thing? Truck driver for Barbasol comes home off the road, his wife leaves a note by his can of foam.

They meet in the bedroom. You know the rest. She slaps him for having stubble and using foam. That's how it really goes, but they don't show you all that.

What a dumb commercial. I first saw that and thought I had traveled back in time to 1985.
Ha, good stuff. Youtube has a bunch of old gillette commercials that range from intiguing to laughable. My favorites are the old baseball stars from the 50's hawking Super Speeds.
Its definitely kind of sappy, and the guy looks more like an actor than a truck driver, but the sentiment of reuniting with a loved one after you have been away for a long time is one of those universal things everyone can identify with.
I paused it when he's shaving, and he's using a DE razor. Props to Barbasol. It looks like an HD or vintage Gillette.
i was gonna say, HEY atleast he isn't using a crappy razor... personally i still think razor is more important than cream or soap any day... looks like a hd to me ;)
Check out the M3 on the "menu" buttons.

I couldn't tell if it was a DE or an Atra on the commercial.

Good deal on the link. Thanks!
It appears to have all the classic elements of a shaving cream commercial with the added bonus of DE razor use.
If using barbasol gets you that kind of trim,then sign me up for a lifetime supply,otherwise I'll stick to what I have.
That wasn't bad as far as shaving cream commercials go. The guy uses a DE razor, what more could you ask for from a canned goo company?

The do a brushless cream, and I really like the Pacific Rush aftershave. They have a long history in the shaving biz that they feature prominently on the site.

I'd say it's a refreshing change from the stuff you see Gillette, Schick and even Old Spice trotting out nowadays, as far as advertising goes.

If Barbasol ever brought back a real shaving cream, I'd go out and buy it as much for the historic name as for the chance to buy a traditional product.

Save the scorn for other brands. Barbasol is far from the worst offender when it comes to slathering adolescent gee-whizzery on the product line.
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