Hi, I am new to straight razors and just received my straight from a trade today, However I still need a strop and hone but Im not looking to spend that much, basically the cheaper the better. I came across these on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Throat-Razo...1_1?ie=UTF8&s=drugstore&qid=1272657979&sr=8-1 and:
has anybody used these before? Also how would I use the hone, would I put water on it first? Also after using the razor, can I leave it in the closed cabinet in a bathroom? I read that you shouldnt leave it in a bathroom as they are humid but what if i left it in a cupboard closed?
Thank you
has anybody used these before? Also how would I use the hone, would I put water on it first? Also after using the razor, can I leave it in the closed cabinet in a bathroom? I read that you shouldnt leave it in a bathroom as they are humid but what if i left it in a cupboard closed?
Thank you