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Strop and Hone opinions and razor maintenence question

Hi, I am new to straight razors and just received my straight from a trade today, However I still need a strop and hone but Im not looking to spend that much, basically the cheaper the better. I came across these on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Throat-Razo...1_1?ie=UTF8&s=drugstore&qid=1272657979&sr=8-1 and:

has anybody used these before? Also how would I use the hone, would I put water on it first? Also after using the razor, can I leave it in the closed cabinet in a bathroom? I read that you shouldnt leave it in a bathroom as they are humid but what if i left it in a cupboard closed?

Thank you
The strop you linked too from what I can see of it in the photo is a really low end model, probably made in Pakistan. Razors, and strops made in Pakistan are cheaply made garbage, that is best avoided.

Are you located in the UK? I am sure there are other people who are more knowledgeable than I, who can point you towards quality products sold through a UK distributor.
I'll second what michiganlover is saying - get a decent strop, you don't want to risk ruining the edge on a bad strop.

Also, you don't need a hone at first, you'll have plenty of other things to get right just trying to get a decent shave including getting the stropping right, which is important.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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I would know about the strop but I am in agreement with John, I wouldn't buy that.

For the hone, you don't need one right away but I wouldn't buy that one either. The Gentlemen shop (I think) in the UK is selling the exact same hone. I asked them for the grit and they replied 2500. Which mean that it won't give you a smooth edge, it will eat a lot of metal. It's not good to maintain a edge IMO but I'm no honemeister either.

If you are in the UK, I hear a lot of praise for Neil Miller (http://www.strop-shop.co.uk/) Those are supposed to be excellent strops!
Do you know what, I just purchased the Filly strop based on a recommendation from a member here.
Also what about the Chinese 12k stone, is that good for maintenence? I know I dont need a hone yet, but I'm the type of guy that likes to fully understand whatever he gets into.
A Chinese 12K would do the trick. (Much better choice than the hone you linked to, which isn't really appropriate as a finishing hone for razors.)
The filly comes with a Crox backing which you can use for maintenance, try it out 1st while you read more to work out what or if you want a hone.
Do you know what, I just purchased the Filly strop based on a recommendation from a member here.

Excellent choice, and that would have been my first recommendation, but I wasn't sure how easy it would be to get your hands on (since we assume you live in the UK).

There is really no point in spending a lot of money on your first strop. I know from experience, that you will nick the living daylights out of it!! :tongue_sm
Stick with the strop for now then as you progress look at something like a naniwa 8k stone, they are very easy to work with.

I normally go from the c12k to the cromox which gives me a great shaving edge.
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