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Strong Pipe Tobacco Recommendations?

Now that it's warming up in Boston, I'm breaking out the big guns in terms of pipe tobacco. I like nothing more than waking up early on a Saturday, before the wife and kids are stirring, and taking the dog for a walk in the common while puffing something that widens my eyes with a robust taste and a potent shot of Vitamin N.

My recent go tos are Mac Baren Old Dark Fired, Peterson University Flake, and Peterson Irish Flake. However, as a fellow who likes variety, I'd love some recommendations for tobaccos that are strong on the intensity front and have lots of taste (aromatics are okay). I'm smoking outside, so room note be damned. It can smell like a freight train and no one will be bothered a bit. My only caveats are that I don't care for Latakia or cigar leaf. Everything else is a go.

As always, thanks in advance for the terrific feedback I ALWAYS get from B&B. Here's to birdsong mornings and strong tobaccos.

Old Joe Krantz and Haunted Bookshop... If you like deer tongue, Crooner can be potent depending on what is in your belly.

SG Black Irish XX can do it for some. Others say it tastes and smells like burning tires.

Mike H

Instagram Famous
If you are really after the nicotine, I would suggest some of the ropes or twist that are traditionally considered chewing tobacco but can be smoked as well. Cotton Boll would be up there.
American Snuff Company - Cotton Boll Twist - Tobacco Reviews

I've not been able to find it so I have no first hand experience. But I have smoked Mammoth Cave and it will do the job.

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B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Any blend from H&G with the word “dark” should be perfect. Kendal Dark, Dark Plug, Dark Birdseye, etc.

Too bad you don’t like Latakia as those
blends have in my opinion, the most slap-you-in-the-face flavor. Not that a good Va or Burley has no flavor, but Latakia/Dark fired leaf is like garlic in a good recipe.
- C&D's Burley Flakes (I'd recommend #2 (pure Burley goodness) + #4 (Burley goodness with a decent share of Latakia))
- C&D's Haunted Bookshop (Nutty, earthy burley, with tangy, fruity Perique and red Virginias - stout and sweet!)
- As you like Old Dark Fired, you'll have to try the Bold Kentucky by Mac Baren as well. A tad stronger, less nutty, and more earthy+smoky in aroma)
- GLP JackKnife Plug (in the vein of ODF) and Triple Play (Va/Per/Ky with a nice Perique presence)
- Big n' Burley by C&D (Burley, Orientals, Perique, Latakia, but the latter three are only a "whiff" present)
- G&H Shag Cuts (Kendal Dark, Kendal Kentucky...exellent, stout, spicy smokes!)
- G&H Ropes (Brown #4 is excellent cigar-y; Irish Twist nice Virginia goodness but very stout in flavor and strength)
- Scaferlati Caporal (somewhat in the vein of the G&H shags)
- Bayou Morning (Flake and Ribbon; Flake is more peppery, fruity and stout whilst the Ribbon is nicely earthy - both strong Perique presence)

Those are some I can think off right now.
If you are really after the nicotine, I would suggest some of the ropes or twist that are traditionally considered chewing tobacco but can be smoked as well. Cotton Boll would be up there.
American Snuff Company - Cotton Boll Twist - Tobacco Reviews

I've not been able to find it so I have no first hand experience. But I have smoked Mammoth Cave and it will do the job.

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Amazing! I’ve never heard of such! I am absolutely all over this. Thank you!!!
Wow! So many fantastic recommendations. Thank you all! I’ll update the thread as I make my way through your suggestions. I LOVE my B&B compatriots.


Self Ignored by Vista
Wow! So many fantastic recommendations. Thank you all! I’ll update the thread as I make my way through your suggestions. I LOVE my B&B compatriots.

Try some Tambolaka...just make sure you fully regain consciousness before you post your opinion of it. :biggrin1:


Used to have fun with Commander Yellow Pantyhose
Great list! And I like strong tobaccos too. Most of my recommendations are already covered. I’ll add Samuel Gawith 1792 to the list.

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Self Ignored by Vista
Is Tamaka the same as Nicotiana Rustic? That stuff has so much nicotine its used as a pesticide. :scared:

Do you have bugs? If you wander over the the Stock Exchange I'll send you a bowls worth...at your own risk.
Try some Tambolaka...just make sure you fully regain consciousness before you post your opinion of it. :biggrin1:

I've heard horror stories! I do like for the experience to be enjoyable, and I've heard a LOT of mixed reviews re: Tambolaka. "Like smoking tree bark" seems to be a recurring simile. Also, there's always the mention of the N-punch. I once smoked two MF Le Bijou Churchills back to back and got a nicotine swoon something fierce. I have very little desire to revisit that experience. :cryin:
Do actually enjoy it, or is it more a try it once and say you've survived it experience? Furthermore, where does one purchase it?
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