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Recommend Malty Bready Pipe Tobaccos?


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I think any quality Red Va will give you some of that bready/shortbread cookie kind of note. Add Perique to that for some dark fruit. It can be peppery but aging it some seems to subdue that. Can you get Rattray’s where you are?
So folks...

I have ordered these three tobaccos:

Irish Flake
Markin Flake
HU Tobacco Red Fox

it is a good mixture, a light more dark little malty ( I hope it) Hu Tobaccos and two strogner blends...
I hope I get beautiful pipe smoking back again with my body chemixtry .....and then I will report here my review of these three tobaccos.

I used to be a fan of Troost tobacco before I moved onto English blends. If I remember that was quite a malty flavour. It was a good all day blend for me. Made in the Netherlands so may well be available in your part of Europe, if it's still made!

Hy folks,

I have ordered a few tobaccos I will write later about them here.

Smoked with Stanwell pipe filters, both Flakes dry it out for 1 1/2 hour in nmy room and rub it out.
But on the capstan yellow/gold Flake and the Marlin Flake is a shock for me, both taste like hot pepper, I taste only pepper cigarettish......

30 minutes after the smoke, I have good heavy fruit taste on my tonque from the capstan and heavy plum taste from Marlin Flake, it last the whole night, I not want that.
I want taste the flavours during the snoke not after heavy on my tonque.

Then it is hard to clean my tonquefrom that aftertaste....
So I think using different filters like Savinelli Balsawood will help?

Or put both Flakes in a jar for 2-3 weeks?
Or use it right out of the tin as Flake not drying out?
Or use Elephant meerschaum pipe filters will help with that?

When I use it in jar for 1 year I not interesting in such things buying tobacco then not smoke it for 1 year that make no sense for me.
Or my body chemistry matchbetter with light semi aromatic/ burley blends?

What do you guys think? Any tips for me?

stay happy and healthy!


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Too bad about the after taste :(. I don’t find Marlin Flake to have a strong topping they contributes to such an after taste, but everyone is different. Usually the dryer the tobacco the meat taste I get, so I don’t think smoking it less dry would help, but who knows? What kind of pipe is it?
I have normal briar pipe...
the little expansive models like Butz Choquin, Jean Claude, one Georg Jenssen estate pipe (its good)....

when I put the pipe very at the maximum left sid eof my mouth the smoke is less hot and I get less heavier tonque/mouth aftertaste.

The heavier long lasting mouth/tonque aftertaste is what makes me think about it, is that normal? I think not...
normal is I can taste the tobacco Flavours during the smoke not after.

So, next week try some pipe filters and see if that make a difference, White Elephant meerschaum filters too.
Or maybe my body chemistry is not match well with straight virginias and Marlin Flake....maybe mor with little bit semi aromatics and darker mild blends like burley?
Or I should try lined in meerschaum pipe (is not so expansive) ?

When I smoke a cigar, I not have long lastingheavy mouth/tonque aftertaste its weird that I get this from pipe tobacco.
What is the cause that I get heavy mouth/tonque aftertaste?

Have happy weekend !
Hi folks here is marco again,

its sad this thread has so much engagement in the beginning and now its like a ghost town....

Today after dinning I try to smoke capstan gold Flake again.
Try out the Flake 2 hours out on my balcony...the Flake is more crunched now after 2 hours.
Fold it and put the side of the Flake who is breaking out to the pipe bottom, then very light tamping the top with my thumb.

Put the pipe at very left side of my mouth, not hold it in the middle/front of the tongue.

Charring light with half dozen chokes....then wham! I get ash taste in front of my tongue. Drink cold Icetea....
wait 2 minutes, then another lightning 3-4 chokes, tamp the ash down very light.

After 1 minute make slow 2 chokes, wait 40 seconds, make again 2 chokes....
Then wait 1 minute- the pipe goes out.

Charring light again with 3-4 chokes.........
40 seconds making slow chokes, then after 40 seconds again....
then wait 1 minute- pipe goes out,pipe is not hot and I not get that very sweet flavourful virginia fruit taste, I get cigarretish grass-hay taste not more.

With this rhythm I try to get the Flake stay lit burn for the next 10 minutes= no success
I give it up today. It is not delicious it is like gaslighting smoking.

I do not know what I doing wrong here ?

When I think 5 years back I smoked pipe, I used the Dunhill tobaccos, twist a bunch of tobacco with three fingers in one move into the pipe tamp down with the thumb- this thing stays lit, 1 hour smoke I not must make more than 2-3 relights, with other tobaccos (except dan tobacco) that wa snot possible for me only with the Dunhills cut.

But with Flake is not possible for me, better I buy Dunhill (the new Petersons) tobacco again.
So I have waste 20 euros on capstan Flake and Marlin Flake and put it to the kitchen trash folder.

What do you guys think? What I doing wrong here?

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