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Straight Razor Acquisition Thread

Waiting on delivery. 8/8 copy of an Ottoman Egyptian Wade & Butcher made by the late Jenes Sándor.
Finding a Gotta 120 is not particularly difficult in Australia. They are one of the more common razors you find here. Mostly in poor condition. I get the impression that they were users and by all accounts rather good ones. I should be finished buying razors but when I stumbled across this one going cheap, I could not resist. My first Gotta.

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Staff member
Finding a Gotta 120 is not particularly difficult in Australia. They are one of the more common razors you find here. Mostly they are in poor condition. I get the impression that they were users and by all accounts rather good ones. I should be finished buying razor now but when I stumbled across this one, which looks brand new, going for cheap I could not resist. My first Gotta.

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I think you know, I rate those razors highly, and have owned lots of them over the years.

Also worth mentioning, basically the same razor is available under many different brand names (I'm still not sure how many), so bargains can be had for the less well known examples.

I took a chance on these, photos were rather poor but I thought I could see enough to make an informed decision. Top Eiko has light honewear but some surface rust to address, it's about 22mm. The other one is 21mm, right where I expected based on the visible wear. And a YSS "Triumph," half hollow and almost pristine save for some cosmetic blemishes, it's a little smaller though, 18 or 19mm. Pretty happy with these!
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My couple of SR will become a thrupple. ERN 6/8 'Racoon'. Looks to be in fantastic shape.

Etsy buy. 130 CAD (95 USD) shipped/landed...just have to wait now. Decent enough deal? I'm essentially a neophyte.

Screen grab of seller pic
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