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Steaming out a low spot on your strop?

Yesterday, my wife and I were digging around the local antique shops looking for old-school toys for my daughter's room when I came across a mint condition Rolls Razor for a very reasonable price. When I opened it up I noticed that whomever last used it left the handle at a slightly akward angle (pressed down) inside. With over 40+ years of sitting with no use, it formed a slight indentation on the strop side right in the middle of the strop. Both the stop and hone are perfect otherwise but when I go to stop the blade there will be a 3/4" section in the middle of the strop where the middle of the blade makes no contact. I know this might not do anything to the blade, but I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist and would like this razor restored as good as possible.

Has anyone ever tried to steam low spots out of their strop before? I know it can be done with other fibrous / pulpy materials such as wood but wasn't sure about leather... and I did not want to experiment.

Or, does anyone have a good suggestion as to how to resolve this? I know you can find replacements for these common razors, but because I have the box, paperwork, directions, wax paper protective inserts and original razor papers, the purist in me wants to keep this 100% original.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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