my brain goes "thonk"
I used this for the first time in a long time. I have a pretty good amount of a sample I received from Shavedash before he shuttered his doors. I shaved with this today and got a very good shave. When I first opened the container, I got petrichor. Then I smelled something similar camphor or and old style lip balm. I was wondering what you guys get from scent wise? Not a bad soap. The fragrance just stays in my brush. Talk about a polarizing scent. It's not bad. I just don't use it much because I'm not found of the scent that much. Besides, I have to scoop it out of it's little container and put it in a shaving scuttle. I'd rather lather up my brush from soaps in a larger container I can get my brush in. It's so much easier and I don't have to wait for the soap to hydrate.