Pre: Hot Shower w/ Nivea moisturizing facial wash
Soap: Synergy Meta- Nectar (Attar)
Brush: Semogue 1305
Razor: 1921 Gillette New improved " New Standard"
Blade: Gillette silver blue (4)
Lather Type: Face
Beard Type: Chinstrap
Moustache: on it's way to handlebar greatness
Post Shave: Cold water and Shavex alum block
After Shave: Florida Water
Additional: Anthony Logistics ingrown hair treatment
Balm: Nivea Sensitive
La Toja Manantiales - Olive Wood Silvertip - 6/8 Revisor - Nautica Blue
The Revisor was rehoned late last night because after my shave with it yesterday, my clumsy girlfriend may have droped it and put some chips in the edge. No chips anymore and the edge is very much to my liking now. Not happy about it though.
Nearly all men can stand adversity,
but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.-Abraham Lincoln
Canica badger
Case temperite
Pinaud Vanilla
"Insist on the genuine"
Pre-shave: MenScience Microfine Face Scrub
Razor: Gillette Common Bar New
Blade: ASCO Super Stainless (Orange)
Brush: Rudy Vey Custom w/TGN Finest Two-Band
Soap: Lavanda Shave Cream
Aftershave: Alum/Stirling Vetiver/Ice Blue Aqua Velva
Balm: Nivea Post Shave Sensitive
Cobra Classic
Feather Professional
I Coloniali Balm with Mango Kernel Oil
Simpson P8 Phyl TSN LE 2013
I Coloniali Shave Soap with Mango Oil
Myrsol Antesol
Unrefined Shea Butter