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Soap/cleansing bar recommendations

Hi guys,

Long time wetshaver here and first time poster.

I have a not so slight problem that has come to a head recently. I have excessively dry facial skin, to the point it flakes off like I've had bad sunburn and then leaves my face blotchy and sore. I've tried many different soaps and cleanser bars from Cetaphil to Dove to Sorbalene branded soaps/cleansers and a number of different glycerin based ones too. And none have worked too well. I currently sport a short bear and moustache, which I normally grow out to about an inch or so long, however I have to keep it short as dead and dry skin gets caught in it and causes irritation.

I did once get some relief by using a handmade soap I picked up at my local market that used animal fat as the base (I believe this one was actually crocodile, emu and tallow fat, beauty of living in far northern Queensland, Australia) and other than being a little greasy and smelling a little strange (wasn't all that unpleasant but still wasn't something i enjoyed. However I no longer live there. Could anyone recommend me a good general purpose shower bar and a specialty or highly recommended facial bar? Otherwise my next step is to start making my own XD

Thanks guys.
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