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Soaking Your Brush

Just wondering what (mug, cup, scuttle, ceramic piece) the B & B community is using to soak your shaving brush prior to shaving? Pictures appreciated!
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You should soak your brush for at least a minute or more in warm water to one, soften the brush and two, let the brush soak up water and hold it for whipping soap or creams.
I use an oversized mug I got at a truck stop just over the border fro Quebec in Ontario. It has a picture of a moose on it. I'll try to get a pic up later.
+1 on water!! :-D

I assume you are really asking what sort of vessel people typically use? If that's the case, I just use a large coffee mug. I then either use that same mug to generate lather or I switch over to a scuttle. Or I face lather. Take your pick!

- Badger Bill
I did not frame my question well. It is now corrected. What mug, cup, ceramic piece, scuttle, etc. are you using when soaking your brush?
I use a Dirty Bird 1.5 scuttle, and highly recommend it. However, I don't tend to soak my extra silver tip badger brushes, as they absorb a tremendous amount of water instantly. I dip them in my sink, shake them out, and hit the soap. Bore brushes do need to soak for a minute or two to absorb water.
I use a french onion soup bowl that I picked up from the dollar store when I first started wet shaving. I used to bowl lather in it, but since face lathering it only serves as a soaking receptacle now. I would like something with a smaller diameter, but since I have roommates and store all my stuff in my room, the etra size is useful for carrying my razor, brush, and soap to the shower. Looks pretty much like this:
I don't have a scuttle and have tried various substitutes for this. The best for keeping the water warm I have tried is a double-walled stainless bowl. The one I have is shallow for some brushes so I typically use a ceramic or glass bowl.
I use the inner part of the dirty bird brush scuttle. Don't really use the scuttle anymore. It allows any brush to be standing and also I control how much of the hair I want to be soaking.


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I use a $.97 white ceramic ramekin I picked up from wally world. I used to bowl lather in it but I strictly face lather now.
I use the little blue and green bowl that came with the Van Der Hagen starter set.

One of the reasons I like bowl lathering is that I'm already keeping a bowl around to soak the brush. It's about a 15 second swirl in the same bowl to get a nice lather.
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