Last Sunday I began shaving with a new Merkur 34C and the single Merkur blade that came with it. I've had 7 good shaves with it, better than I ever had with cartridge shaving. Expecting the life of the solitary blade not to exceed more than a week's worth of shaves, I ordered 100 Derbys. They are en route from California. In the meantime, I need at least one blade to get me through the next couple of shaves. To that end, tonight I went to our local grocery store (Publix) and a Walgreen's. I found both stores carried double edge razors manufactured by American Safety Razor. Publix wanted $2.49 for their package of 10 while Walgreen's charges $6.90. Same Comfort Coated blades, I imagine. If these blades are adequate in a pinch, then I'll obviously head to Publix for the better price. However, I remember my CVS having a couple of brands in stock, including a Wilkinson blade. Would I be better off looking a little for something better than the American Safety Razor blades until my Derbys arrive? Thanks!
EDIT: Finding some good info in the reviews section. Seems CVS has a repackaged version of the ASR blades. Each merchant's ASR blade has Comfort Coating or platinum, or both, or neither...
EDIT: Finding some good info in the reviews section. Seems CVS has a repackaged version of the ASR blades. Each merchant's ASR blade has Comfort Coating or platinum, or both, or neither...
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