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So I'm waiting for my first 100 Derbys to arrive...

Last Sunday I began shaving with a new Merkur 34C and the single Merkur blade that came with it. I've had 7 good shaves with it, better than I ever had with cartridge shaving. Expecting the life of the solitary blade not to exceed more than a week's worth of shaves, I ordered 100 Derbys. They are en route from California. In the meantime, I need at least one blade to get me through the next couple of shaves. To that end, tonight I went to our local grocery store (Publix) and a Walgreen's. I found both stores carried double edge razors manufactured by American Safety Razor. Publix wanted $2.49 for their package of 10 while Walgreen's charges $6.90. Same Comfort Coated blades, I imagine. If these blades are adequate in a pinch, then I'll obviously head to Publix for the better price. However, I remember my CVS having a couple of brands in stock, including a Wilkinson blade. Would I be better off looking a little for something better than the American Safety Razor blades until my Derbys arrive? Thanks!

EDIT: Finding some good info in the reviews section. Seems CVS has a repackaged version of the ASR blades. Each merchant's ASR blade has Comfort Coating or platinum, or both, or neither...
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Uh oh. Just read about the Derby horizontal packaged versus the newer and subpar vertically packaged Derbys. Didn't see that in the review section...
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Are there any pictures of each of the two types of packaging? I am of the impression that the direction/layout of the text on the razor blade paper wrapping is how to distinguish them, but are they different on the exterior packaging?

Any advice (pics especially) would be great
Last Sunday I began shaving with a new Merkur 34C and the single Merkur blade that came with it. I've had 7 good shaves with it, better than I ever had with cartridge shaving. Expecting the life of the solitary blade not to exceed more than a week's worth of shaves, I ordered 100 Derbys. They are en route from California. In the meantime, I need at least one blade to get me through the next couple of shaves. To that end, tonight I went to our local grocery store (Publix) and a Walgreen's. I found both stores carried double edge razors manufactured by American Safety Razor. Publix wanted $2.49 for their package of 10 while Walgreen's charges $6.90. Same Comfort Coated blades, I imagine. If these blades are adequate in a pinch, then I'll obviously head to Publix for the better price. However, I remember my CVS having a couple of brands in stock, including a Wilkinson blade. Would I be better off looking a little for something better than the American Safety Razor blades until my Derbys arrive? Thanks!

EDIT: Finding some good info in the reviews section. Seems CVS has a repackaged version of the ASR blades. Each merchant's ASR blade has Comfort Coating or platinum, or both, or neither...
Buy your blades at Publix. ASR makes the same identical house-branded blades for virtually all drugstores and supermarkets. The only thing different is the packaging and the price.

The Derby will match up nicely with your 34C, but don't stop there. Get yourself a blade sampler pack from www.westcoastshaving.com or any of the many other vendors that carry a similar bundle.

The blade sampler is a rite of passage around here. You'll never know what works best for your beard if you don't expose yourself to other options.
Thanks a lot RM - very good to know.

I will make sure that when I do a review of a Derby, it's from a box with the writing on a landscape layout box, not a portrait.

Is there any way to tell if an individual blade (ie: loose, but in wrapper) is from one or the other?
You'll be happy to know that there's nothing subpar about the vertical Derbys once they're properly corked on a piece of styrofoam :) Quite the opposite, I find them to be superior to all my other blades.



The "corking" removes microscopic imperfections from the blade edge, such as small burrs. Many people have found that the first shave with any blade is the roughest: corking makes the blade perform as if it were at shave two on the first usage. :thumbup1:
Beautiful. Just picked up the ASRs from Publix. Also, I am ready to cork those Derbys, if need be! Thanks for the insight.

A sampler pack is in the works, too...

The "corking" removes microscopic imperfections from the blade edge, such as small burrs. Many people have found that the first shave with any blade is the roughest: corking makes the blade perform as if it were at shave two on the first usage. :thumbup1:

Interesting, but does that also reduce its shaving life by one use?
Interesting, but does that also reduce its shaving life by one use?
Derbys get tossed after 2 shaves (max) anyway. I can't say I've had a major problem with the "vertical" Derbys and I don't cork. For my Merkur 34, I actually prefer Merkur blades, which many here hate. Everyone develops their own likes and dislikes in razors and blades. It's great in those first few months figuring out your preferred combination.
Well, I shaved with the ASR blade this morning. It performed better than the used Merkur blade, at least. I'm not so sure that the new Merkur was any better than the new ASR. Eager to try a Derby (they arrived today!), but I'll wait a few shaves...
I'm done with the ASR blades. The second shave with the blade was already a tugfest. Trying a corked Derby tomorrow!
Also bought my first 100 Derby Extra's off shavefactory and still waiting around for it to come in. I'm a newbie and after seeing all the reviews found many people thought the Derby's were the best bang for your buck or in my case of buying in bulk- cents :tongue_sm. I just heard about the horizontal versus vertical after my purchase but I figure it can't be that bad.

Question though: how does one "cork" a blade?
Buying 100 of anything before you've tried them is a bad idea. Anyway, for corking, you just gently slice the blades through a piece of styrofoam or cork. Be careful not to cut your fingers.
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