I'm an eventer, although I haven't been an active one in a while. I apprenticed myself at 19 to an eventing farm with 60 horses in upstate New York, and worked for a few years grooming, tacking, and doing all other horse-related chores in return for room, board, and riding lessons. They're a great bunch, I consider them family, and their summer camp is first rate- I should know, I've taught for them a few times.
I graduated to training horses and people, and since then I've done the whole gamut of equestrian jobs, from plain old mucking to managing whole facilities, but I'm happiest when I'm teaching both people and horses. Cross-country is my favorite pastime, but I am diligent about my flatwork, too, as it is the foundation of all riding and communication with the horse. Riding is my art form and my main vocation, though I haven't been active in the past couple of years since losing my own beloved gelding in 2006 to a pasture accident- the first two years I couldn't bear the thought, and the two after that we hit some rough financial spots and couldn't afford it. Soon, though, we'll be in a place where I can look for a horse again, and get that big missing piece of my life back.
So, anyone else?

So, anyone else?