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Smaller or Bigger Lather Bowl?

I'm just wondering because I picked up a "mantic" sized mug today at the thrift store for a dollar today and I'm curious. Is there a difference in lather depending on bowl space? I've always used a smaller bowl for making lather and I've never really wondered until today if the bowl size makes a difference. I thought if there is a difference, maybe bigger ones distribute the soap and water ratio ratio, or smaller ones mix it faster. I don't know what do you guys think?
I like bigger bowls for convenience when lathering but they are inconvenient to store. I've got a small bowl and the main issue is lather overflow.
I lather in a fairly large, fairly deep cereal bowl, that has gently slopping sides. Some people can effectively lather in a latte mug, but the clanking of the brush against the side of the mug is an irritating sound. :lol::lol: Thus, I would rather use my bigger bowl. :tongue_sm
I lather in a fairly large, fairly deep cereal bowl, that has gently slopping sides. Some people can effectively lather in a latte mug, but the clanking of the brush against the side of the mug is an irritating sound. :lol::lol: Thus, I would rather use my bigger bowl. :tongue_sm

I was having trouble making lather in a small(er) bowl - I went to the deeper, sloping sided cereal bowl and make lather like crazy - I swirl lather up the sides, push the new lather toward the bottom and repeat. In smaller bowls I don't think I was able to... aerate/hydrate (????) sufficiently.

...and the clanking irritated me!

I vote for big bowl.
I lather in a fairly large, fairly deep cereal bowl, that has gently slopping sides. Some people can effectively lather in a latte mug, but the clanking of the brush against the side of the mug is an irritating sound. :lol::lol: Thus, I would rather use my bigger bowl. :tongue_sm
yup same here... clanking drives me nuts
Soaps I use a coffe mug sized cup and creams I use a cereal bowl sized bowl. Also, I store my rotated soaps in those rubbermaid semi-permanent storage bowls and if I'm feeling lazy, I'll just lather it in there.
As mentioned, the clanking in a smaller bowl drove me nuts. Also, when trying to make lather in the small VDH bowl, it looked like it was messing up the hairs on my beautiful brush! I like a bowl that's at least 5 inches across. Mine slopes down to 2-3 inches at the bottom.
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