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1st Experience with D.R. Harris. Bravo!

The title pretty much says it all.

I've had a mixed bag with British shaving soaps. Every cream I've tried has been excellent, but the soaps......

While a lot of people seem to have a love/hate relationship with Mitchells, I've never had much of a problem with it. Trumper's Eucris on the other hand gives me PTSD (Post Traumatic Shaving Disorder) every time I use it. I drag it out once a year, always trying something different with always the same result. A magnificent scent marred by a lather that dissipates by the time I pick up a razor.

Enter D.R. Harris. I bought a bowl of the Arlington last month and I am thouroughly impressed. I purchased a Simpson Trafalgar T2 synthetic with it and have had wonderful lather and performance. Today, I broke out the classic Simpson Duke #2 in best badger and the results were even better.

I trust that others have had similar experiences with this brand? I'd love to hear your thoughts about it and suggest other scents. Any thoughts on how to improve the performable of the Eucris would be welcome as well.

Thanks in advance.
I cannot really recommend any specific scent (saying that I do love their Sandalwood splash - a dry, earthy Sandalwood) other than to say all the DR Harris products I have used have been of high quality.

To me, they are the best of the traditional St James' shaving suppliers. Whilst the quality of the software from some of the others has fallen off in the past 15 years, they are still providing stuff that performs well. When I used to go in there regularly, I also found the staff friendly and knowledgable.
D.R. Harris shave soaps are always a treat. I use Arlington quite often, particularly Sundays before Church. The fern/citrus scent is simply sublime and lathers easily.

For me, the current formulation with Tallow as the first ingredient, is even better than the Harris formulation 10 years ago.
One of the best.

The title pretty much says it all.

I've had a mixed bag with British shaving soaps. Every cream I've tried has been excellent, but the soaps......

While a lot of people seem to have a love/hate relationship with Mitchells, I've never had much of a problem with it. Trumper's Eucris on the other hand gives me PTSD (Post Traumatic Shaving Disorder) every time I use it. I drag it out once a year, always trying something different with always the same result. A magnificent scent marred by a lather that dissipates by the time I pick up a razor.

Enter D.R. Harris. I bought a bowl of the Arlington last month and I am thouroughly impressed. I purchased a Simpson Trafalgar T2 synthetic with it and have had wonderful lather and performance. Today, I broke out the classic Simpson Duke #2 in best badger and the results were even better.

I trust that others have had similar experiences with this brand? I'd love to hear your thoughts about it and suggest other scents. Any thoughts on how to improve the performable of the Eucris would be welcome as well.

Thanks in advance.

Bravo!! But, What took you so long to try DRH?!
Any bad experiences other than the Eucris??
(Which I like, BTW! I use the lather-bowl method and it's a bit more stable!)

trumper eucris taylor of old bond st joris october 20 2024.jpg
Glad to see you have found one of the last few tallow proprietors. DRH makes some of the best soaps around. I have a puck of Arlington in my rotation that I'm about halfway through over a 15-year period. Of course, fears of the tallowpocalypse had me buying more pucks of Arlington, Windsor, and Marlborough. I haven't opened any of the new pucks yet-Arlington satisfies me on every level.

I think I'll pick up a few more just to be on the safe side. I'm pretty sure your current puck of DRH won't be your last.

DRH soaps work great. I’m fond of Windsor. I have almond as well and it has a very faint aroma. Arlington seems to be the most popular but I haven’t tried that yet. I’m not always a fan of green scents.
DR Harris Lavender is exceptional. One of my favorite lavenders.
I had my first shave with the Lavender last night. Very, very nice.

I got a refill puck of Marlborough, too, but I have enough soaps open (3017, anyone?) that I think it'll just be in reserve while I work on the Lavender bowl.

I have a D.R. Harris porcelain dish, but I've never tried one of their soaps. Walmart has them with free shipping on their marketplace. Is $15.95 a decent price for a Windsor refill?
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