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Simpson Colonel X2L 2-Band "Ehsan" vs. Rooney 1/1 Super

Though I was in the market for a Rooney, I bought an Ehsan on a whim and absolutely love the brush. Now I'm looking for a 2nd brush and am getting ready to pull the trigger on a Rooney 1/1 in Super (though there's a little voice that's telling me to get a 2nd Ehsan). But before doing so, can someone who owns/owned both an Ehsan and a Rooney 1/1 in Super please give me a quick comparison? I'm looking primarily for some solid backbone when I face lather, soft tips, and overall good shaving experience.
these are 2 very different brushes. that's first of all. IMO, the simpsons two banded supers that they're putting out right now are the perfect in face lathering soap brushes. soft tips, resilience and flow through. the rooney will be smaller, still soft but a bit scritchier than the ehsan. the biggest difference in performance will be latherability. the rooney is more dense and more of a lather hog. if you're looking for something different, I'd say go ahead but if you're looking for something better than the ehsan for face lathering soaps, I think you may be dissapointed as you already have the perfect brush for that purpose.
take my experience as only that, im by no means an expert....i have had 2 simpsons 2-band brushes (Astor, and tulip 2) and i have also had a rooney 1/1. For me, i felt like they were of the same density yet the simpsons has more backbone, and softness of tips. Now, this was kind of confusing to me because according to the reviews here, i thought the 1/1 would be much denser. Which leads me to believe there is some variation among brushes because some claim the 1/1 is a super dense brush and that was just not what i observed. For the characteristics you mentioned, id consider the simpson chubby 1 in super, not 2-band. It is SIGNIFICANTLY more dense than the rooney 1/1 that i had, extremely soft tips, and perfect for face lathering. I know its way more expensive, but seriously if you havent had a chubby, you need to try it :lol::lol:
My experience having owned (2) 1/1 Supers and now an Eshan is that the Rooney Super is NOT more dense than the 1/1. Additionally, the 1/1 is not exactly a lather hog, but does retain a little more lather in the breech than other quality brushes of this size because of it's density. For a hog consider an Emillion or Stubby 2:001_smile Having lathered my Eshan about 5 times and shaving with it last night I can't comment absolutely on the ease of releasing the lather. Last nights shave was good with pretty soft tips that I suspect will get softer as it breaks in. The backbone was on par or just a little bit stiffer than my 1/1, 3/1. It is a close call, but since you have an Eshan I would lean towards the 1/1 which is a fantastic brush. You really can't go wrong.
I currently own both and they are indeed different animals. The 1/1 is a good brush and I use it on days where I want a good scrub but I am cautious with it because it is a little scratchy for me. It certainly gives me a good exfoliation of my skin when I use it but if I am too gung ho with it I can feel a little raw after, perhaps I am just a softy. The 1/1 is a very capable lather generator but I would not call it soft tipped compared to something like the X2L or the other Rooney brushes I own.

It depends on what you are looking for. If you want something really different to the X2L a 1/1 is worth trying. However you did say you were thinking on buying a second X2L so if you are looking for something similar, or maybe just slightly different, then I would recommend you consider a 2/1, my personal preference is for the heritage knot and I think this would be closer to the X2L. Your original thought of the second X2L is not a bad one either, I bought an Astor which is very similar to the X2L but I have no reservations about having two brushes so alike; the X2L/Astor size is my weekday workhorse shaving brush and I reserve the bigger brushes for the weekends and days off.

My only other comment on the 1/1 is that I find the small handle a little awkward it is a minor niggle but one I do notice, not annoying enough to stop using it or sell it, I will keep it just because it is different to the most other brushes I own. Next to the Simpsons Major it is the smallest I own and there is some satisfaction to be had out of getting so much lather out of such a small brush.
Yes, the Savile Rows were number one for me, also, but got bumped by the Colonel Super, which is currently teetering on the edge because of the Grosvenor. Funny how that works.
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