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Simpson 58 in Best - New to me Review.

I had the pleasure of purchasing a Simpson "58", Best Badger on BST from EdgeRunner (Boris), a true Gentleman.

As I explained in my PM exchange with Boris, I've long been enamored with the Simpson "Fifties" series. What I didn't tell him was that I knew that it was a good brush, but sometimes the simple elegant beauty of a brush catches your eye in the way that Angie Dickinson catches your eye when browsing through old movies, you know that she's a good solid actress, but there's something there that makes you pay attention. So when I saw the "58" available on BST from EdgeRunner at at time when I actually had some money in my paypal account....need I say more?


(please pardon my photo quality - "Dammit Jim, I"m a wet shaving afficionado, not a photographer.")

Being a student of the great posts sharing brush experiences here on B&B, I knew that many folks had great experiences with Duke 2's and 3's, but honestly I was a bit put off by the short handle sizes. I knew that if I was going to buy another Simpson that it would have to be one of the more statuesque, taller handled brushes.

Practically I knew that the "58" would be a medium size brush, 24mm knot set at 48 mm loft, that it would have the wonderful taller, lathe-turned Simpson handle look fantastic. In our PM exchange we discussed our love of very soft brushes and Boris shared although he very much liked the "58" had had discovered softer brushes such as the Kent Bk8, or the Truefitt & Hill 3/2 (a brush that I'm fortunate enough to own).

Having owned a Simpson Colonel in Best which was a very nice brush but had a tad more scritch than I cared for and didn't take my breath away in that Angie Dickinson sort of way, I had a small concern about scritch in the "58", but always felt that I could sell it if it wasn't for me.

It arrived in the mail a few days ago, Saturday perfectly packed and in wonderful shape. I knew that I would be leaving for an overnight trip to visit some relatives where sharing a single bathroom only allows for quick wet shaving experiences. Yet, I got up early Sunday to whip up a quick C.O. Bigelow " (always a touchstone for me) lather in Dirty Bird scuttle and was too easily rewarded with a quick, rich lather.

How did the "58" feel on my face? Simply wonderful! I could feel that it had slightly more scritch than the Truefitt & Hill 3/2, but with it's greater loft, width and density than the Colonel, the scritch was 0% of an issue for me. It's not as soft as the T&H 3/2, but it's equally as great a brush.


Flanked by the Truefitt & Hill Silvertiip 3/2 and Semogue 1305.

This morning I face lathered one of my favorite standby's, Mike's Natural Barbershop. The "58" loaded Mike's easily, and after a few dips the tips in warm sink water and building a thick proto-lather on top of the soap, I was rewarded with lovely yogurt consistency lather on my face.


"58" after face lathering for first pass of a three pass shave.

There was easily enough lather for three passes with a RazoRock Lil Bastogne, safety bar with a Gillette Silver Blue on it's fifth use. As the Silver Blue was on it's last shave, the slickness and cushion of Mike's soap was more important. The lather from the "58" was more than up to the task.

A final notes: For me, the density of the "58" knot is nearly perfect. It holds lather, but also easily releases it and is in no way a lather hog.

Ergonomically, the handle is very comfortable and it's height minimizes that clacking sound that we all know when a handle 'clacks against the side of a bowl or mug.

Thanks to Boris (Edgerunner) for a great brush and top seller service and thanks to B&B for providing the wonderful BST forum.
Bob, you're making me regret selling this brush. I'm glad you liked it though. As I told you, I would keep it, if I didn't have quite a few other brushes without any scritch. But this 58 was the softest Simpsons Best I'd tried, even softer than a Colonel LE in Super.
Enjoy it!
Thanks Marco,

The joy that you've expressed about the Simpson Duke 3 was not lost on this reader has long been a part of my infatuation with the "58" which I've thought of as a longer-handled Duke 3.

I've read different opinions about the density of the Fifties compared to the Dukes that seem to split about 50/50 which I can't comment on. Perhaps there is an actual difference between the two knots, or perhaps it's nothing more than a case of YMMV.
Thanks for a good review. After the Chubbies, the 50 series are my favorite Simpson handles. I've owned a 57, 58 and 59 and all three were excellent brushes. I kept the 59 because I prefer the larger size. I wish Simpson made these in Super.
The Fifties are wonderful brushes indeed.
A 58 is on my wishlist for ages - luckily I am on a gentlemanly restraint this year ;-)

Better, yet: two are on my wishlist.
One for myself and one to PIF to Marco to once and for all change his preference for the Chubby .

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Thanks Marco,

The joy that you've expressed about the Simpson Duke 3 was not lost on this reader has long been a part of my infatuation with the "58" which I've thought of as a longer-handled Duke 3.

I've read different opinions about the density of the Fifties compared to the Dukes that seem to split about 50/50 which I can't comment on. Perhaps there is an actual difference between the two knots, or perhaps it's nothing more than a case of YMMV.

Hi redrako,

Thanks for the great review. :) I love my Duke 3, so I'm curious about this 58.

I, too, would like to know if the 58 is really a "Duke 3 with a longer handle"? Or are there other differences?

Great looking brush, and nice review! The Fifty series look like really good handles, sometimes I lament that my Duke is a little too short in my hand but it looks like no problem with these.
Nice write-up and excellent brush. I too have a 58 in best - one of the three Simpsons best in my rotation of 14 brushes, the others being Classic 2 and Duke 2. The 58 is a truly outstanding general purpose brush. In my case it is soft and lacking scritch while it is packed reasonably dense - maybe a bit more than my Duke 3 2-band. I honestly have no criticism of the 58 - it is perhaps among the most underappreciated pieces of shaving equipment available.
Hi redrako,

Thanks for the great review. :) I love my Duke 3, so I'm curious about this 58.

I, too, would like to know if the 58 is really a "Duke 3 with a longer handle"? Or are there other differences?


Good question.

As I mentioned, I've been enamored with the Fifties series and the 58 in particular for a long time so took notice when it came up in different threads over time. IIRC, all posts by folks who had used both brushes at least said that the 58 was very similar to the Duke 3 and some of them claimed that they were the same knot. As I have not used a Duke I couldn't directly say. I can compare this to a Simpson's Colonel in Best that I did own and find the 58 to be a softer and for me a more enjoyable knot.

My best guess is that you couldn't really go wrong with either brush. For me I simply liked the look of the Fifties handle and prefer taller handles for bowl lathering.

To update my experience with the "58", I've been face lathering Mitchell's Wool Fat and Mystic Waters Bay Rum and found that the lathers were equally fabulous as my initial soap experience with Mike's Natural Barbershop. In all instances I'm building a proto-lather on soap pucks stored in Old Spice mugs, starting with a wet brush that has been shaken a few times. Swirling the moistened tips on the soap, followed by a couple of dips in sink water to add moisture to building lather before painting on my face to further build the lather.

Ted, I have to agree with your observation about the incredible soft tips of the 58.
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Great review. The fifties are awesome, my 58 is in my dopp kit now as I'm traveling, as a matter of fact I'll be using it in a few minutes. I love the simplicity of the "58" on the handle. Enjoy it!
Ahhh the fifty series.
Have one of each but missing the 58.
Great write up!
Now will be adding the 58 to my wish list as well.
Ahhh the fifty series.
Have one of each but missing the 58.
Great write up!
Now will be adding the 58 to my wish list as well.

This may be like asking you which child you love best so forgive me, but do you have a particular Fifties brush that you like more than others
This may be like asking you which child you love best so forgive me, but do you have a particular Fifties brush that you like more than others
I have been lucky to find these orphans on BST or classifieds on the dark side.
Love them all as you can imagine.
But really love the 59 for its size and for the fullness when lightly stroking across my face.
The next one I enjoy is the 57 - again for size and fullness.
So surely will have to try a 58 and will be keeping an eye out for one additional child waiting for an adoption.
Good question.

As I mentioned, I've been enamored with the Fifties series and the 58 in particular for a long time so took notice when it came up in different threads over time. IIRC, all posts by folks who had used both brushes at least said that the 58 was very similar to the Duke 3 and some of them claimed that they were the same knot. As I have not used a Duke I couldn't directly say. I can compare this to a Simpson's Colonel in Best that I did own and find the 58 to be a softer and for me a more enjoyable knot.

My best guess is that you couldn't really go wrong with either brush. For me I simply liked the look of the Fifties handle and prefer taller handles for bowl lathering.

To update my experience with the "58", I've been face lathering Mitchell's Wool Fat and Mystic Waters Bay Rum and found that the lathers were equally fabulous as my initial soap experience with Mike's Natural Barbershop. In all instances I'm building a proto-lather on soap pucks stored in Old Spice mugs, starting with a wet brush that has been shaken a few times. Swirling the moistened tips on the soap, followed by a couple of dips in sink water to add moisture to building lather before painting on my face to further build the lather.

Ted, I have to agree with your observation about the incredible soft tips of the 58.

Hi redrako,

Thank you for the helpful info! :001_smile I'll have to keep an eye out for the 58 and add it to my wish list. :)

On a side note, how do you like the scent for Mike's Natural Barbershop?

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