Occasionally, I try one of my badger hair brushes. Then, pick up one of my two horse hair brushes for the next month. I like badger very much! I like horse even more!!
As an aside, a few have tried similar horse hair brushes to mine and didn't like them as much as badger. So, as usual, I am the guy in the corner at the party that just doesn't fit in.
My hands down favorite is this butterscotch restore...
I restored this no-name catalin handlw with a GN 18mm Finest two-band set at 42mm. I use it at least twice a week...and would use it more if I did not feel that some of my other brushes should get used.
The brush i use the most is this one (23 mm Knot and 50 mm Loft of D01 Grade) View attachment 138146
At first i find it too dense , but now i just love it. Its soft on the face , and load with soap easily . Also it seems very solid and don't shed at all .