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Should I re-plate a 30's Aristocrat?

Hey Guys!
I was wondering if I should re-plate my 30's Aristocrat. One of the doors has a significant amount of plate loss? The razor as a whole is very clean save a few areas of minor pitting in the gold. I am considering re-plating just the doors or maybe the whole thing. Any thoughts?
The doors on one of mine are completely down to brass. It still looks nice that way, and I wouldn't consider replating it. I might, if it were something less rare.

But it is your razor, and nobody else can tell you what to do with it, even when you ask them to. :)
Replate Man, you will be glad that you did. I have replated several aristocrats both solid bar guard and the barber pole model with the open comb. They are really beautiful and will make you feel like a million bucks when you shave with them. Replate the whole razor, just like it is, do not dis-assemble the razor, and do have whoever replates it coat the razor with a lacquer coating to preserve the finish. good luck bc
You just have to ask yourself if the razor is more important as a shaver or a collectible to you?

If the latter, then don't replate it (maybe you shouldn't use it much as well).

If the former, then replate it. I've always found that razors shave better once they're replated (if there was a lot of plating loss on the head).

Personally, I'd replate any razor that needed it. Purists may cry foul, but I use the things to shave with, not as an investment.
If you get your jollies by replating it...then do it...just make sure you find a good replating service. There is a guy in MA who does a good job...it is cheaper if you can find other things to do at the same time.
A note about plating the '30s Aristocrats...

Gillette plated the gold directly over the brass base metal. The gold didn't take well and wasn't durable. All of these show significant brassing, and so became to be known as 'Brass-tocrats'.

Postwar, Gillette plated Nickel over the brass base metal, then gold plated over Nickel. The gold adhered to the razor much better. I have postwar Aristocrats that show gold wear and the nickel shows through. The '30s Brass-tocrat I had functioned beautifully, but had lost almost all the gold finish, leaving a brass razor in it's wake.

If you're intending to plate the '30s version, I recommed a dual stage plating job --nickel over brass, then gold over nickel.

-- John Gehman
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