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Short fat handles to match up with a heavy head?

Looking for a short fat handle for my Timeless head, got some ideas?

So far I’ve found the Maggard’s MR3, what else is out there that’s readily available?

Thinking 3 inches or a tad more, max. Gotten used to the 3” on my Karve and would like to keep it right around there.

Thanks for your input guys.


Imagining solutions for imaginary problems
Weber makes a bulldog that's stainless steel and 3 1/8 inches long -- it's got some heft. They also have other models which may work for you. I'm never sure of the posting rules for putting in vendor websites (and I have no affiliation with Weber), but if you google Weber Razor Handles, you'll find their website as well as an Ebay page. I've got one and mine is well made -- I also find them relatively reasonably priced.
I use titanium handles. At 50g they balance well on my Timeless Bronze and R41. Good thing is that they are wider in diameter so easier to hold. Plenty on eBay from Russia. Around 85mm which should suit you.
Weber makes a bulldog that's stainless steel and 3 1/8 inches long -- it's got some heft. They also have other models which may work for you. I'm never sure of the posting rules for putting in vendor websites (and I have no affiliation with Weber), but if you google Weber Razor Handles, you'll find their website as well as an Ebay page. I've got one and mine is well made -- I also find them relatively reasonably priced.

+1! The bulldog is a great option (weberrazor.com)!
Weber makes a bulldog that's stainless steel and 3 1/8 inches long -- it's got some heft. They also have other models which may work for you. I'm never sure of the posting rules for putting in vendor websites (and I have no affiliation with Weber), but if you google Weber Razor Handles, you'll find their website as well as an Ebay page. I've got one and mine is well made -- I also find them relatively reasonably priced.

Stein, this is good solid info. Those Weber handles are great.
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