i never used one but am willing to try it, especially since i will be going to bmt. the thing is though idk which site to get it at and im wondering if you gents can help me
I'm part way through a stick of D.R. Harris, which is good, but pricey. I paid more for it than any of my other soaps. After it's done, I plan to try the cheaper Palmolive and Arko sticks that I bought earlier. Both have good reputations.
I have been experimenting with shave sticks lately and have enjoyed the Palmolive tallow formula the best. Nice thick lather and a plesant scent. I get most of my stuff from Phil at Bullgooseshaving.net. He has good prices and excellent customer service. I am expecting a package from him tomorrow with a new Palmolive shave stick and a new Simpson Colonel X2L brush. I can't wait.
I don't use shave sticks but I do press them or grate them into a bowl.
MWF is my favorite soap but as far as shave sticks go:
Sir Irisch Moos and Arko are great. I have some Tabac I recently got in a trade and I can't wait to give it a whirl... probably tonight. Tabac feels the same as Irisch Moos as far as the soap itself before any lathering... of course they are made by the same company I believe so that makes sense.
If I were to suggest you a shave stick I would go for something far more readily available than Irisch Moos. It's my 2nd favorite soap but I can really only treat myself to it occasionally because it's pretty difficult and relatively expensive to find.
I'd look into Arko (15 sticks for $20 shipped) or Tabac.