So today was the first time I shaved at the gym. I usually shave Tues and Thurs at home during the week but adding some more cardio in so now I'm going to the gym those days on top of my normal Mon-Wed-Fri weights. Anyway, being that I only have Proraso cream and the Wilkinson Sword soap I got when I first started, I took the soap with me as I didn't want to take a bowl or anything to the gym. Now I haven't used the soap since I got my cream and after using it today, I didn't really care for it. I know it's cheap and that may have something to do with it. Now after that long description of my morning, my question is, for those who shave at the gym, what soap or cream do you take? I did bring my one and only brush and face lathered today but I want something easy to take with me without the hassle and mess of hauling my big mug to mix lather with. I'm thinking maybe a shave stick or possibly Creamo Cream as I could leave my brush at home for that. Thanks for any suggestions.