I got a sample Shark Super Stainless as part of a sample pack when I purchased a really nice Gillette NDC triangular-cutout, fat-handled Tech from a generous member of this forum, "colocowboychi".
I had a very good shave with this blade, and decided to order some Shark Super Chrome DE blades from "ntguy" over at one of those auction websites.
I decided to try one of these blades in my NDC Tech and enjoyed a very pleasurable shave with a minimum of a hot water and soap wash, followed by two applications of Valobra shave stick using a C&E Pure Badger brush (once with the grain and once ATG).
Ended with some Lucky Tiger Molle applied with my fingertips for the final, across the grain pass. I've been looking to keep things fairly simple lately.
Very smooth shave, all the way around! The Shark Super Stainless was good, but to me, the Shark Super Chrome was better.
I splashed on some Thayer's Witch Hazel, followed by some Pinaud Clubman/Osage Rub combo and had no burn whatsoever.
If you haven't tried these blades, I highly recommend them. I can't complain, since my face is usually very sensitive. Plus, the price was right and included free shipping within the United States.
The Shark Super Chrome, along with the Blue Bird, are presently my two favorite blades; particularly the Blue Bird, since my wife love them loaded into a Gillette NDC gold-plated, oval-cutout Tech while shaving her legs. I look forward to her trying a Shark Super Chrome.
The Japanese blades are a bit much for me, although the KAI is easier on me than the Feather.
I think I've found a couple of blades that I can live with.
I had a very good shave with this blade, and decided to order some Shark Super Chrome DE blades from "ntguy" over at one of those auction websites.
I decided to try one of these blades in my NDC Tech and enjoyed a very pleasurable shave with a minimum of a hot water and soap wash, followed by two applications of Valobra shave stick using a C&E Pure Badger brush (once with the grain and once ATG).
Ended with some Lucky Tiger Molle applied with my fingertips for the final, across the grain pass. I've been looking to keep things fairly simple lately.
Very smooth shave, all the way around! The Shark Super Stainless was good, but to me, the Shark Super Chrome was better.
I splashed on some Thayer's Witch Hazel, followed by some Pinaud Clubman/Osage Rub combo and had no burn whatsoever.
If you haven't tried these blades, I highly recommend them. I can't complain, since my face is usually very sensitive. Plus, the price was right and included free shipping within the United States.
The Shark Super Chrome, along with the Blue Bird, are presently my two favorite blades; particularly the Blue Bird, since my wife love them loaded into a Gillette NDC gold-plated, oval-cutout Tech while shaving her legs. I look forward to her trying a Shark Super Chrome.
The Japanese blades are a bit much for me, although the KAI is easier on me than the Feather.
I think I've found a couple of blades that I can live with.
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