Has anyone had any experience with the "turn-back" style brushes that are like the Simpson major, but the case is made from aluminum or stainless steel? The aluminum one is by EJ:
http://theenglishshavingcompany.com...81M530||@cTravel shaving brushes@b|0|user||7|
Other companies like Baxter of CA offer a similar brush, my guess is EJ makes them
The steel one is made by Dovo:
I hefted this bad boy at the cutlery store. Its a beast! you could kill someone if you threw it at them. I was at first turned off by the heft, but now kinda like that a tank could run over the brush.
Has anyone had experience with either of these brushes. I would like to here thoughts about this type of brush compared to the classic travel brush with a case like such as the Simpson Case
http://theenglishshavingcompany.com...81M530||@cTravel shaving brushes@b|0|user||7|
Other companies like Baxter of CA offer a similar brush, my guess is EJ makes them
The steel one is made by Dovo:
I hefted this bad boy at the cutlery store. Its a beast! you could kill someone if you threw it at them. I was at first turned off by the heft, but now kinda like that a tank could run over the brush.
Has anyone had experience with either of these brushes. I would like to here thoughts about this type of brush compared to the classic travel brush with a case like such as the Simpson Case