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Seeking advice on cleaning vintage Gillette cases

I'm just starting the process of cleaning some DE gear that was given to my by my wife's mother.

There are two old Gillette cases that I'd like to clean up, but I don't know how to proceed.

One is a silver plated Tuckaway case. The outside should be easy, but I'd like to get the purple
velvet lining as clean and odor free as possible.

The other case is for and Old Type. The outside is leather or faux-leather with purple satin inside.
This one is heavily worn, so I'm not sure it would be worth the effort.

Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.
I cleaned up the inside of my Tuckaway case with a bit of scotch tape wrapped around my finger. It took a lot of bits of scotch tape, but it did the job. Now if the velvet is messed up it'll pull up some of the nap so be sure to watch out for that. Anything more than that I haven't bothered with but it's a start for sure.
I have used Neatsfoot oil on my vintage leather cases. They say to use pure Neatsfoot oil to condition your leather and that it will darken the color of the leather. Almost all the Gillette cases are of a dark color already and I have not observed any real darkening of any of my cases. You can use a soft cloth to get a little cleaning action going while you apply a thin coating or if the leather is badly dried out a paintbrush will work. Apply a thin coat and allow it to adsorb into the leather. You can apply multiple thin coat over a couple of days if needed but you do not want to apply to much oil as that will weaken the leather. The vintage cases have very thin leather on them so it does not take a lot of oil to condition a case. I have had very good results from applying Neatsfoot on my cases. I get my Neastfoot from Straight Razor Place as I add in some of their soap with the order- its great soap so a win win!
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