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SE SOTD- What was your tool of choice today?

OCMM/Gem ptfe (7)
Valet VC4/Feather Spineless SE

These blades do not seem to last longer than two shaves or so in my Valet Razors. This is different than I would expect coming from using Feather DE blades...
Valet VC4/Feather Spineless SE

These blades do not seem to last longer than two shaves or so in my Valet Razors. This is different than I would expect coming from using Feather DE blades...
The Feather FHS blades are a completely different animal from the DE blades - and the Artist Club blades are not at all like either of those.

I'd guess that most people get 3 shaves or less from the FHS blades.

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