As Soren so appropriately reminded us, we have started a new year. It's time to share scents worn in this year of the Snake! So, gentlemen, let's see what's stirring up the olfactory senses this year...
I used to like this one a lot more than I do now but it's still a fantastic fragrance. I remember it being a strong woody-leather scent but I'm getting a lot more of the basil and mint in the opening and more of the vanilla and absinth in the drydown. Strange how scents transform over time - or rather, how my nose is picking out the notes better. I recall the ad copy on this evoked some eternal damnation of Baudelaire, inspired by Fleurs du Mal but I'm not getting it. It is, however, something dark and provocative, and reminds me of Lolita Lempicka au Masculine but drier and more emphasis on woody incense notes. It's beginning to sound like something Mickey Knox would wear: "That's poetry, Mal."
I feel weird looking these few posts here. The last year's SOTD thread is sinking slowly into a history. These threads should be more easily accesible. There's quite a lot usefull stuff to read there.
For the first hour, it smelled so familiar that I kept thinking that I've worn this before. Then it struck me, Knize Ten. The two are remarkably similar. I'll really have to try them side by side to see what the differences are.