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Regardless of what real sandalwood smells like or wether or not you like T&H's scents, I love T&H's sandalwood's smell but the performance is subpar. So my question is, are there any creams that smell similar to T&H's sandalwood?

Mainly, I'd like to know if Castle Forbes cedar and sandalwood smell anything like T&H's sandalwood, as I hear its performance is very good. So if you smelled both could you chime in? Also, if you've smelled T&H's and feel there's something with a similar scent let me know as well, thanks ahead of time.
I haven't opened my T&H sandalwood yet so I can't compare it to other sandalwoods I've tried. As I remember, the CF sample I had was more cedar than sandalwood. I remember it smelling like pencil shavings or sawdust. Here's an old sandalwood thread which is interesting. I gave up on sandalwood creams. They either had great scents with so-so performance or great performance with a scent I didn't like.
TOBS Sandalwood IMO has a really nice scent and performance is fantastic..rich, slick lather...I use it with both Straights and DE's.

I never tried T&H and castle Forbes but I do use TOBS sandal wood it produces a nice cushioning lather with good slickness. It has a cologne style sandalwood scent that opens with notes of tobacco that gives way to vanilla and woody spice. Maybe that might be up your alley
I haven't opened my T&H sandalwood yet so I can't compare it to other sandalwoods I've tried. As I remember, the CF sample I had was more cedar than sandalwood. I remember it smelling like pencil shavings or sawdust. Here's an old sandalwood thread which is interesting. I gave up on sandalwood creams. They either had great scents with so-so performance or great performance with a scent I didn't like.

Right on, thanks. Please lmk when you open up your tub if you think there's a better performer with a similar scent.

TOBS Sandalwood IMO has a really nice scent and performance is fantastic..rich, slick lather...I use it with both Straights and DE's.

Not really a big fan of TOBS or/and T&H's performance :thumbdown But the scents are :thumbup: I'm open minded and maybe the T&H problem is that I only have the samples, TOBS avocado is ok to me, I was going to sell it on the BST but decided to give it another try and I'm keeping it... Barely. Have you smelled the T&H's sandalwood? If so, How does it compare to the TOBS? And which is a better performer? Thanks for your feedback.


I never tried T&H and castle Forbes but I do use TOBS sandal wood it produces a nice cushioning lather with good slickness. It has a cologne style sandalwood scent that opens with notes of tobacco that gives way to vanilla and woody spice. Maybe that might be up your alley

That sounds interesting, thanks for the feedback. I really want that T&H scent in a better performing cream.
Have you smelled the T&H's sandalwood? If so, How does it compare to the TOBS? And which is a better performer?

I find the TOBS to be a sweeter smell while T&H is more cologne-ish. They are both very much cologne oriented, which to be frank, I prefer over what most would consider a "true" sandalwood (i.e. GFT, the new Prorasso red, etc...I always get an ashtray smell off of these)

As far as performance goes, I find the T&H to be superior to TOBS. However, it's certainly not worth twice the price. TOBS still does a respectable job.

As of late, my approach has been to focus purely on performance from my cream and then get my scents through my aftershave, which last much longer. I have been using Prorasso Green, Prorasso Red (even though I don't really care for the scent, performance is outstanding) and Speick. I have yet to find anything that outperforms these creams when scent is removed from the picture.
Castle Forbes Cedar and Sandalwood doesn't smell of Sandalwood at all, in fact, although I know many like it, it is without doubt the most horrible smelling shaving product that I have ever used.
maybe the T&H problem is that I only have the samples

That's most likely you problem right there; samples are not always the best gauge for how well a cream performs. Since you like the scent of T&H Sandalwood that much, why not get the bowl and see for yourself properly, its the only way to really find out for sure.
I find the TOBS to be a sweeter smell while T&H is more cologne-ish. They are both very much cologne oriented, which to be frank, I prefer over what most would consider a "true" sandalwood (i.e. GFT, the new Prorasso red, etc...I always get an ashtray smell off of these)

As far as performance goes, I find the T&H to be superior to TOBS. However, it's certainly not worth twice the price. TOBS still does a respectable job.

As of late, my approach has been to focus purely on performance from my cream and then get my scents through my aftershave, which last much longer. I have been using Prorasso Green, Prorasso Red (even though I don't really care for the scent, performance is outstanding) and Speick. I have yet to find anything that outperforms these creams when scent is removed from the picture.

Thanks for the great feedback, I must smell the TOBS since I like sweet colognes (my all time faves are "cool water" and JPG's "Le male") but I just love that sharp cologne-ish smell from the T&H. Think I'd rather pay twice for the T&H though, just my opinion.

Also, Im doing something similar with my creams, just sticking to the best performers, so that idea of just using the aftershave balm (sandalwood in my case) is an awesome suggestion, thanks man! For instance acca kappa performs great but the smell is just ok, not offensive at all though... Kinda like cella but less sweet, just shave with that and follow with the AS balm and voila! A no brainer.

Castle Forbes Cedar and Sandalwood doesn't smell of Sandalwood at all, in fact, although I know many like it, it is without doubt the most horrible smelling shaving product that I have ever used.

Thanks for the feedback, thats why on my OP I said "regardless of what real sandalwood smells like" lol... I have read so much good stuff about CF being a great performer tho. If someone was to tell me it smells like T&Hs sandal I'd hv to buy it but now I'm inclining towards just buying the AS balm as was ^ suggested to me.

That's most likely you problem right there; samples are not always the best gauge for how well a cream performs. Since you like the scent of T&H Sandalwood that much, why not get the bowl and see for yourself properly, its the only way to really find out for sure.

Thanks for the feedback. I know I could just buy it BUT here's the thing... My question is very, very simple, if you have tried T&H's sandalwood, is there a better performing cream that smells similarly? Regardless of what real sandalwood smells like. See? Very straightforward.

Also, i haven't finished my sample pack yet, I'm on grafton right now (which is meh) but I kinda know nothing, subjectively speaking, will smell better than T&H sandalwood.
Thanks for the feedback. I know I could just buy it BUT here's the thing... My question is very, very simple, if you have tried T&H's sandalwood, is there a better performing cream that smells similarly? Regardless of what real sandalwood smells like. See? Very straightforward.

IMO T&H shaving cream is right up there with the very best performers regardless of which scent you go for (Trumper's, Taylor's, Harris, Castle Forbes etc). At this level its mostly a matter of personal preference. A sample isn't always going to let you discover the full potential of the performance either, hence why you need to try the cream in a bowl for yourself to find out properly.

The T&H Sandalwood is a proprietary cologne scent, and as far as I'm aware, there isn't anything else that smells similar to it. Every "Sandalwood" cream on the market has a different scent, and in most cases the difference in scent is vast. Therefore, not as straightforward as it may seem.
IMO T&H shaving cream is right up there with the very best performers regardless of which scent you go for (Trumper's, Taylor's, Harris, Castle Forbes etc). At this level its mostly a matter of personal preference. A sample isn't always going to let you discover the full potential of the performance either, hence why you need to try the cream in a bowl for yourself to find out properly.

The T&H Sandalwood is a proprietary cologne scent, and as far as I'm aware, there isn't anything else that smells similar to it. Every "Sandalwood" cream on the market has a different scent, and in most cases the difference in scent is vast. Therefore, not as straightforward as it may seem.

Ok, your opinion is not fact, as my opinion is not fact to you or anyone else, however, your opinion is your fact and my opinion is MY fact.

In my opinion T&H is NOT a great performer, regardless of what YOU, or anyone else for that matter, have to say about it. I could change my mind in the future about T&H's performing capabilites, as I am a human. I even acknowledged, that maybe because I'm using the sample packs, that there may be too little product, or it's an old batch or they dont provide enough shaves to form a very educated opinion. That being said, my fact is that I'm not getting the same types of shaves from T&H samples, that I get out of my other creams/soaps.

Regarding scent... well, there's already one person on this thread who said TOBS sandalwood smells a little similar but sweeter... So much for the proprietary scent argument, ah? Even if there's a proprietary component to any company's cream/soap, anything else could smell similar, not identical, but just similar and not have the same properties... and that's simply my question, which I feel for some reasons unbeknownst to me, bothers you... sorry if for some reason I've offended you.

BTW Acca Kappa 1869, Razo rock Cacao and Cella (red tub) smell similar to me and I have the tubs not samples. Acca Kappa is the most serious in nature, while Cella is the sweeter of the 3 and RR cacao is more amarettoish and they all perform very different.
I've never used T&H Sandalwood, so I can't compare, though both TOBS and Preraso Sandalwood have been staples of mine, well, for years - they don't smell very similar, but I enjoy both scents equally and both lather very wel (If I'd have to choose only one of the two I'd go with preraso)

so busy trying new soaps now, avoiding most of the sandalwood scents in favor of some of the other scents I was ignorant about until finding B&B
I've never used T&H Sandalwood, so I can't compare, though both TOBS and Preraso Sandalwood have been staples of mine, well, for years - they don't smell very similar, but I enjoy both scents equally and both lather very wel (If I'd have to choose only one of the two I'd go with preraso)

so busy trying new soaps now, avoiding most of the sandalwood scents in favor of some of the other scents I was ignorant about until finding B&B

Thanks for the feedback man.

Why would you take the Proraso over the TOBS? Im guessing performance.

If you do come across T&H's sandalwood lmk what u think!!
Thanks for the feedback man.

Why would you take the Proraso over the TOBS? Im guessing performance.

If you do come across T&H's sandalwood lmk what u think!!

Yep performance, plus I do enjoy the Preraso scent just a tad more - though both smell wonderful to me (again, regardless of what actual sandalwood smells like)

and chances are I WILL try T&H at some point! I'm on a mission from God (apologies to Jake & Elwood Blues)

Which T&H Sandalwood are you using?

The current formulation?

Or the older formula?

The new Proraso Sandalwood cream is a fantastic performer.
I have no problem getting a nice slick and protective
lather when I use it. Based on performance only, I find
Proraso Sandalwood to be slightly better than the TOBS cream
and the current formula T&H sandalwood.

If you are in the US and would like to try a sample of
Proraso sandalwood just PM me and I'll get one to
Regarding scent... well, there's already one person on this thread who said TOBS sandalwood smells a little similar but sweeter... So much for the proprietary scent argument, ah? Even if there's a proprietary component to any company's cream/soap, anything else could smell similar, not identical, but just similar and not have the same properties... and that's simply my question, which I feel for some reasons unbeknownst to me, bothers you... sorry if for some reason I've offended you.

You've not offended me in the least, my words may have come across differently than intended, I apologies for that and any offence that may have caused you. I was merely stating that if its something similar to the T&H Sandalwood scent that you are after (and with better performance), you may end up being disappointed with the other "Sandalwood" offerings available scent-wise. You may also end up liking them a lot, and that's part of the fun with trying out what's available. I wish you good luck with the search.
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I myself have and love the new T&H Sandalwood. In my opinion, it smells very similar to Cool Water(Which I very much enjoy just like yourself). Very strange since it is labeled Sandalwood but that is beside the point. I think as a general guide, LU02 is right in that searching for other things labeled Sandalwood would probably not be the best idea.

So far in a little over a year of wetshaving, I haven't found anything that smells similar to that. I have heard that Valeiro is an aquatic scent, and I think it may be similar. I have heard it performs nicely as well.

It is nice to read that others really enjoy the scent of the new T&H Sandalwood also. :thumbup:
Yep performance, plus I do enjoy the Preraso scent just a tad more - though both smell wonderful to me (again, regardless of what actual sandalwood smells like)

and chances are I WILL try T&H at some point! I'm on a mission from God (apologies to Jake & Elwood Blues)

Dont you blaspheme in here! Dont you blasph... j/k...

I knew it was because of performance, I keep telling people how TOBS or T&H cant touch my Omega when it comes to performance, they sure smell hellabetter tho.


Which T&H Sandalwood are you using?

The current formulation?

Or the older formula?

The new Proraso Sandalwood cream is a fantastic performer.
I have no problem getting a nice slick and protective
lather when I use it. Based on performance only, I find
Proraso Sandalwood to be slightly better than the TOBS cream
and the current formula T&H sandalwood.

If you are in the US and would like to try a sample of
Proraso sandalwood just PM me and I'll get one to

Thanks a million, I'll pm ya, shortly.

I believe I'm using the new formulations as I ordered my sampler pack pretty recent.

You've not offended me in the least, my words may have come across differently than intended, I apologies for that and any offence that may have caused you. I was merely stating that if its something similar to the T&H Sandalwood scent that you are after (and with better performance), you may end up being disappointed with the other "Sandalwood" offerings available scent-wise. You may also end up liking them a lot, and that's part of the fun with trying out what's available. I wish you good luck with the search.

No worries, thanks for clearing that up, I kinda felt a vibe.

I understand what you're saying to an extent but I'm just doing some research and look where it's gotten us already: Someone said TOBS sandal smells a little similar but sweeter, someone offered me a sample of Proraso sandal to try it first hand, another gentleman gave me the great idea of just getting the aftershave and shave with a different cream and someone else mentioned that cool water smells similar to T&H sandal.

Even if I just end up purchasing a tub of T&H, I just dont see how I can be disappointed if I just ask around a little bit and get opinions u know? If I happen to come across something better, in either scent or performance, that would actually be great and not disappointing, so I'm not following. TOBS is half the price and Proraso performs better, either of those two combined with the T&H sandal AS balm is probably a win.


i love B&B


I myself have and love the new T&H Sandalwood. In my opinion, it smells very similar to Cool Water(Which I very much enjoy just like yourself). Very strange since it is labeled Sandalwood but that is beside the point. I think as a general guide, LU02 is right in that searching for other things labeled Sandalwood would probably not be the best idea.

So far in a little over a year of wetshaving, I haven't found anything that smells similar to that. I have heard that Valeiro is an aquatic scent, and I think it may be similar. I have heard it performs nicely as well.

It is nice to read that others really enjoy the scent of the new T&H Sandalwood also. :thumbup:

Wow man, thanks for that, I went and got my bottle of cool water and compared it to the last bit of AS balm I got left and sho'nuff, they smell very similar, cool water a little more fruity tho. No wonder why I liked it so much.

Now I just might get the cool water aftershave balm at a third of the price, lol.

BTW, I wasnt looking for anything labeled "sandalwood" if you read my OP I said, "regardless of what sandalwoods smells like, is there something that smells similar to T&H's sandalwood."
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