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Safety Razor Acquisition Thread.

Recently came across a nickel plated Goodwill .It is the first US Goodwill I have seen that has this plating .I know that Argentina and England made silver/nickel coloured Goodwills but not the US .This one has a #175 special milled slot baseplate and a #160 cap .I believe the handle is not the original as it has a smaller diameter than the bottom of the baseplate .The stamping is fairly legible and I was wondering if these were produced in the US or this is a replate . I picked it up knowing that it may not be original as it is in really good shape.

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Glenn, that is very nice indeed. I agree with Sledge about the corrosion but you never know.

Goodwills are really attractive for me, don't know exactly why. Not that I particularly like the shaves I get from an English one I have (similar to this one IIRC), but considering they were a kind of Frankenrazor, they ended up really well!

Anyway, congrats!:thumbup1:
Hey Mike use photoshop or similar to enhance that medallion and post another pic. I would use the "Find Edges" filter and then contrast it up. I love a mystery. Let's solve it.

Glenn, from what I know about replates you wouldn't be seeing that bleed out corrosion around contact points or the totally corroded threads on a replate. ps. the teeth are really shiny though so I could be wrong.

Sledge. I'm leaning toward a replate myself for a couple of reasons as you stated the teeth are really shiny and they show no wear , when I got the razor it had a blade in it and who knows how long it was there and that may explain the contact point corrosion. I did a Google search and every US Goodwill that was nickel plated was an avowed replate and I have never seen another like this one. On the other hand the stamped lettering is very crisp and on the other Goodwills that we're replates the lettering wasn't as crisp and I also can't explain the threads . I had a closer look and they are not plated the handle isn't much help as it is probably a mismatch . I looked at several other razors I have especially the Otho Rothschild and Goodwills and I have a few that I believe are original and the handle diameter is smaller than the cutout on the base plate .When Gillette was using up parts who knows how meticulous they were .

Tonich the sceptic in me totally agrees with your assessment but my romantic side longs for the unusual and holds out hope for the nickel US Goodwill

Juan Manuel I like your statement that all Goodwills are basically Frankenrazors , the way I look at it is that this razor is different than any other Goodwill I have and if it is a replated I have another example of Goodwills for my collection :which is a replate .As always thanks for your kind words .

I think I can make out "B P O E" on the lower arc of the emblem. If so, then it would be the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
That and the head of an elk on the medallion makes sense that it would have been an Elk giveaway or an award of some sort.

What would a '43' mean?
Juan Manuel I like your statement that all Goodwills are basically Frankenrazors , the way I look at it is that this razor is different than any other Goodwill I have and if it is a replated I have another example of Goodwills for my collection :which is a replate .As always thanks for your kind words .


My pleasure, sir.
Toby, you once mentioned him on a thread and informed me who he was as I didn't have a clue (sorry, I am across the pond...) and when you posted the 43 car minutes ago I went straight to Google + Petty...

So, you have him inside your mind really!

One from the eBay? Just curious. I've seen one there, from Britain, but price was... out of this world [emoji1]

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This one cost less than a nice meal at the local Mickey D. :)
Crap, there is a spec of lint on the lining! I guess I'll have to send it back.


ps. According to Achim, that is a "De Luxe" not a Deluxe. Huuuuge difference. ;)

That is a very nice looking razor! Where did you find that one? That would look pretty sweet sitting next to my replated in gold Slim J3. And yeah, replated, that is the only way I find a razor that nice. If you can't tell I am very jealous or envious of you right now.

Juan Manuel I have a different way of looking at your mystery not based on fact but conjecture what if the stamp is not a 43 and instead is a stylized GW (Goodwill) with the W rotated 90 degrees .I put no weight behind this theory but it is fun to speculate. It would have been used to separate the Bostonian cases from the Goodwill cases for the final set assembly.

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