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Rotbart No15. Is it telling me it's an aggressive razor?

I recently picked up a Rotbart No. 15 Razor from ebay and I just can't seem to get on with it. I've been DE shaving for 3 months now and have always used my Merkur 34c HD, which I get along with very well. I picked up the Rotbart as I fancied a change and heard it was quite a mild shaver. However I've found that it causes more irritation and weepers than the 34c. I've also noticed that it seems to be a lot more fussy about the angle you hold it against the skin.At the wrong angle it seems to 'bite' and feels that if I continue the stroke at that angle I could do more damage to my face.

Is it the case that the Rotbart really is an aggressive razor or am I doing something wrong? Is it typical of more aggressive razors to have a narrower range of working angles (if that makes sense)?

If this is a more aggressive razor than the 34c then I guess the 34c could be my limit with aggressiveness. Shame really, the Rotbart is a great looking razor (I've got the one with the all black handle):001_smile
It's one of those YMMV things. I have one and dont' find it aggressive at all and get great results with it. Perhaps a change of blades would help as I find some blades work well in one razor but not another. Good luck
i find the Rotbart No.15 more aggressive than the 34C. If you like the 34C, then if you can find a Weber DLC, get it as it is the smoothest DE around, in my opinion.
Good luck.
Is it typical of more aggressive razors to have a narrower range of working angles (if that makes sense)?

I would think the exact opposite to be the case. With razors that expose a lot of the blade, the blade will come into contact with the skin at more angles. In a sense this makes it easier to shave with aggressive razors.
It's one of those YMMV things. I have one and dont' find it aggressive at all and get great results with it. Perhaps a change of blades would help as I find some blades work well in one razor but not another. Good luck

You know what, you were right! I dismissed the Rotbart for a while, came back to it with an Astra SP blade instead of Personna Med Prep, (which is my blade of choice in my Merkur 34c) and had a nice smooth shaving experience! Cheers!
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