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Resistance Bands

I've been using Resistance Bands to workout with lately, well I've been trying to use them, they keep breaking. The handles fall apart in a matter of days.

Does anyone know of a brand that will actually hold up?
I've only ever used resistance bands for physical therapy after an injury. Personally I think you'd be better off with dumbbells for most exercises.
A matter of days, wow. Even my Wal-Mart bands held up better than that. The handles seem to be the weak link. Those beach body sets should hold up. At least there's a money-back guarantee. You can recoup your losses if they crap out on you in a couple weeks or so.
That suspension system looked promising. I prefer weight myself, ar at least some kind of weighted resistance. Another great travel/home idea is the Iron Gym... Man, as many times as I've plugged this thing here I should get some royalties or something.
About the only ones that don't break on a regular basis are the ones sold by IronMind. The set is more of an old-school resistance band set, of the type popular in the 30s-40's.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
There goes Timmy bragging again- "I keep ripping these resistance bands."

Previous Timmyisms:
Do they make heavy duty barbells? Mine keeps bending.
Do they make plates over 100 lbs?
My weight bench is only rated for 2,000 lbs. Will I need a sturdier one?

Once in a while, I go to Play It Again Sports and buy a couple of meters of their surgical bands. It's just a wide strip of rubber that comes in varying strengths. Anyway, I get the heaviest one and make a loop out of it. Then I attach the loop to my pull up bar with a barrel hitch. If I'm doing a pull-up intensive workout, I can put a foot on it and use it to get up again once I can't do any more dead hangs. It's the poor man's gravitron.

My next door neighbor was a personal trainer and she suggested these as a low cost, easily replaceable alternative to expensive premade bands.
The bands from BeachBody hold up rather nicely, my girl friend uses them about everyother day. Personally I'm a big fan of plyometrics and calisthenics, I also use a product called a Russian KettleBell. I was introduced to them in the military, and IMO you will not find a better system for total body fitness. There is a reason they have been around for hundreds of years, yet the only people who use them are those who "normal people" would consider fitness "elites".

Not for the faint of heart, but amazing none-the-less.
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