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Repurpose some old soap

So I had a puck of soap(bay rum lime scented) that I could not build a lather with to save my life. So, I put the puck into my Ninja food processor and thoroughly chopped it into a paste. I then added a squirt of Proraso blue from the tube and a few drops of glycerin. Then, I ran the Ninja a little longer to mix and after I was happy with the consistency I pressed my mixture into a mug.

I'm going to let it set a couple days and them I will try it and let you all know how it went!
Aren't those Ninja's great!

I did something similar with a puck of Williams, then added Prorasso red and some glycerin. Never thought of using the Ninja,

I only ended up with a nice slick soap that doesn't lather well, but it still smells like Williams.

Interested to know how your project turns out.
Please do. Very clever. Perhaps you can shave with these to keep the theme going:

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Well, tried the soap/cream remix and it was still a fail. Needs more proraso. The "original soap puck" it still overpowering and does not provide enough slickness or even last long enough on my face for one full pass. Back to old drawing board I guess.
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