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Refurb advice please

Hi, I picked up a basket case Bengall in amongst a collection of DE razors recently. It was about 70% rust. I don't think this razor is going to shave any faces again but it is my first restoration project and might end up being a nice ornament !
I now have it looking a bit more presentable but I would like some advice before I proceed. I have got it to the stage as in the photos and I'm onto 1000 wet and dry . My question is should I continue until I get all the marks off it and have it with a near perfect finish or should I leave what patina is on it now and polish it up?
my feeling is to leave the patina but this is also the easier option so I could be just being lazy :biggrin1:


How far you go is up to you.
I wouldn't be surprised if that one could be made shave ready.
Pitting is significant, but you never know until after its been on the 1k a bit.
Looking at the edge, I suspect you won't be able to get a complete edge on this razor. I have run into this before and every time the edge gets close to completed, it just starts to deteriorate in tiny spots along its length. Good luck though, without trying you will never know.
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