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Recommendations of Sour or Citrusy Ales and Beers?

I love sours! They can be somewhat hard to find. You should find a specialty beer store. Even more specialized than say Total Wine or other large alcohol retailers.

There are a few different sour styles.
Berliner Weiss - a light low alcohol refreshing sour. Good examples in the US are pretty hard to come by so I can't give any specific adivce here.
Flanders Red - a nice bold sour that is very complex. Rodenbach Grand Cru, Duchesse de Bourgogne, New Belgium La Folie are all some good ones. Monks Cafe falls under this style.
Lambic/Gueuze - lots of good stuff here. Anything from Cantillion is great. These are the most "sour" of all of the sour beers. Very high carbonation and a lot of other funky sour flavors and smells as well. This is one of the only beers where the description "barnyard", "goaty", or "wet horse" is a good thing!

The other beer you mention is a fairly highly hopped Pale Ale. You are in luck here because the US craft beer movement is in something of a love affair with uber hoped beers right now. Look for Pale Ales and IPAs. Especially if they make mention of Cascade hops.
+1 on the Monks Flemish. I have the luck of living close enough to have it at Monks, but if you can get it elsewhere, worthy of a try.
I'm a big IPA fan- if youre in chicago, you should be able to get Great Lakes. Their Commodore Perry is VERY citrusy and a favorite of mine
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