Shocking, perhaps, that a dedicated shave stick user such as myself should venture over into the cream forum. But, here I am.
Let's see, I have used TOBS, Trufitt and Hill, Speick, Musgo, Proraso, Salters, the stuff that comes in a Tiger bottle, the stuff that comes in a squeeze bottle with the cross on it, and several others that I can picture but can't even recall enough to describe. After initial onset of acquisition disorders back when I joined three years ago, I settled down and started using products until finished. Of course, all the time still enjoying the wetshaving experience (wish I could still get Swedish Gilletes).
I would like a new cream with a pleasant aroma suitable for winter -- something that performs as good or better than Trufitt and Hill. To me, Trufitt and Hill has given the slickest most moisturizing shave of any cream I have used. Musgo is the most pleasant scent I have experienced in a cream.
Given my preferences in the preceding paragraph, any thoughts on a new cream to try that isn't in the list already tried?
Let's see, I have used TOBS, Trufitt and Hill, Speick, Musgo, Proraso, Salters, the stuff that comes in a Tiger bottle, the stuff that comes in a squeeze bottle with the cross on it, and several others that I can picture but can't even recall enough to describe. After initial onset of acquisition disorders back when I joined three years ago, I settled down and started using products until finished. Of course, all the time still enjoying the wetshaving experience (wish I could still get Swedish Gilletes).
I would like a new cream with a pleasant aroma suitable for winter -- something that performs as good or better than Trufitt and Hill. To me, Trufitt and Hill has given the slickest most moisturizing shave of any cream I have used. Musgo is the most pleasant scent I have experienced in a cream.
Given my preferences in the preceding paragraph, any thoughts on a new cream to try that isn't in the list already tried?