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Razor purchase - worth it?

Hi everyone,

I recently switched from electric to de razor due to entering the military and not having electricity at all times. Managed to pick up an english red rocket for my first razor at an antique shop - works a charm with astra superior platinum blades! I've read lots of information on these forums and would like tot hank everyone for helping me choose de shaving.

Anyway for my question...
I have an opportunity to buy this gillette razor, I beleive it's a "The Knack", made in mexico. Anyone have any experience with this implement? Would it be worth getting to compare to the red rocket?
Some images here:


Couldn't resist it, $20 was too good to pass up. Now to wait for shipping from Uruguay...
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Ruski, are you in the US military, and what branch? Don't know what it's worth, but I have several I other Gillette's I gave 10.00 for , but that was at a local antique dealer close to my house. Thank you for your love of country.
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Hi DEW, I'm in the Aussie Navy. And I can feel a bit of a hobby coming on trying out a few different razors haha!

Anyone else ever seen a knack of this colour and with a metal handle?
The Knack shaves real nice. It is on the milder side of razors and is a very decent daily driver.

I shaved with a custom made knack yesterday

Just took a pic of my G1000 from a similar angle.


I think it is the same head as on Turtle's custom.

Sorry for the thread hijack by the way!
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