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Razor Emporium and Poor Service - READ POST 43

I would say that your first mistake was ordering so close to Xmas. I would have given them at least 3 weeks, just so that they dont have the chance to screw it up. Even if you paid for expedited shipping and it said it would arrive by the 24th, theres a million things that could delay the shipping and could screw it up for you.
Ive dealt with the before and theyre fine, although I find many of their Youtube video reviews to be little more than infomercials for the stuff they sell. Some of their reviews of carts are laughable at best. *shaves with a Gillette Fusion*, "Its soooooo tuggy!" *shaves with a fathandle Tech*, "Ahhhh, much better!"
I'm in the market for some SE blades to try lol
I could give you some good venders to Try, but you have to have mail service to receive them. Go ahead swing at that one.
Just joking with you, Merry Christmas & Happy new year.

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I would say that your first mistake was ordering so close to Xmas. I would have given them at least 3 weeks, just so that they dont have the chance to screw it up. Even if you paid for expedited shipping and it said it would arrive by the 24th, theres a million things that could delay the shipping and could screw it up for you.
Ive dealt with the before and theyre fine, although I find many of their Youtube video reviews to be little more than infomercials for the stuff they sell. Some of their reviews of carts are laughable at best. *shaves with a Gillette Fusion*, "Its soooooo tuggy!" *shaves with a fathandle Tech*, "Ahhhh, much better!"

No my first mistake was not paying attention to former complaints that have been posted by them.
Again if they had communicated to me that there was an issue that I could not get out on time. They never issued a tracking number or even processed the order. If the order had been processed and dropped with the mail I would not be blaming them. I know the mail can mess up. Again even if they had alerted me that it could take a few days to process, I would not have an issue.

They had 6 days to alert me. That is enough time I could have covered it with something else.
Emails and voice mails that go unanswered do not help make them look better.

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All I can say is that based on this thread, it’s highly doubtful I would ever want to order anything from these guys.
I posted a similar thread on another forum where the RE is a Vendor. Well needless to say they first defended Matt's actions. Then took the post down. Come on if honest views cannot be expressed on a vendor experience than that is pretty unethical.
I’ve ordered from them a few times and never had an issue. In my experience, RE customer service has always been pretty good to me.

They rushed a Gillette slim for a Christmas gift I ordered for another and they received it before the holiday. Just my two cents.
Just as a matter of contrast...

Those who shop at West coast shaving know they have been quite vocal of times for delivery and the holidays. Lots of emails with deadlines,offers for discount express shipping, etc..

I ordered a soap from them lateb in the holiday season... maybe the 20th? I went with regular shipping as it wasn't a xmas present. They obviously didn't know it wasn't for Christmas, but I presume they still worked hard regardless, just in case. It arrived in time for the holiday.

Good jobs guys! [emoji846]

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Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
It had nothing to do with when you ordered it. I sent a razor in for a polish and it took 6 weeks to get it back. They did not respond to any emails or update requests on the ticket. Luckily I finally did get my razor back.

It is a bad day when someone in a white coat says, "We need to run a few more tests."

A razor that is delayed Xmas week? Disappointing, but what the heck.


B&B membership has its percs
Well, I've kept in my diminishing memory bank nothing but bad news about that vendor, though I do own one product .. I won't review it here. I've read all the posts, bashers & fanboys, and have not improved my opinion of them any. I'd be po'ed as well if I laid out for guaranteed delivery then got nothing in return, and since they are a shaving vendor think it entirely apropos to post the experience on a shaving forum ..
I also had a bad experience with them, "pre ordered" the rex beginning Nov said release of batch was Nov 4th, then delayed about 3 or 4 times last I heard was Dec 26th... first update email sounded great gonna have stock finally have all the parts assembling the razors etc, then on the last update that pushed it to Dec 26th update was parts taking longer for etching process so he is waiting for an etching machine to do it himself. While this is happening maggard gets a restock of rex razors... I requested a cancellation, I guess he is busy with all this rex stuff maby that's why your order got ignored who knows but I wish things would have gone differently for OP and me :) ymmv lol
I read through this entire thread an I have to wonder one thing. Did they even have this razor in stock to begin with?

If someone neglected to post the item "out of stock", the system may have estimated that the order would be fulfilled by the 24th. If no human even gave it a thought in all of that time, this would have been the result.

It sounds like RE routinely ignores emails and website information. If they don't have staff dedicated for this purpose, that's a customer service issue. I have watched many of their videos and I got the strong indication that they're a company of passionate razor bro's who prefer the workshop to the sales floor or the mail room. That's probably a snap judgement on my part, but is wrong?

Personally, their vibe was a big turnoff and I think their restoration service is overpriced and overscheduled. I get gut feelings about people. Sometimes it's "judgey" but often it's spot on. Your problems come as absolutely no surprise to me given the impression the company have given me upon seeing the website and the videos.

And come on, $25 a piece for replacement endcaps?!
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