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Razor care

I did a search and did not see this topic, but I may well have missed it..

How do you properly care for a DE razor? I am finding that even after trying to clean the razor (after removing the blade) I am not getting the razor completely clean again. It will still have a bit of residue on it.
Soap scum is way of life for razors. I clean mine with a toothbrush and liquid soap once a month. Some gents do it more often.
If it is a 3 piece razor, then you can simply buff it off with a face towel that is on it's way to the wash. On other razors I like to use an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner.


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I usually clean it when I'm finished. I can get rid of everything with warm water. I use a 3 pieces. I would polish it if it looks dirty but usually I get the Brasso out once every 6 months.
Yikes, I don't know if it helps but I think I know where your coming from darksiege. I tend to look around and the worse offender seems to be the soap scum film that dries on the bottom of the head. When I clean the razor with scrubbing bubbles and all, afterwards I throw on a 'light' coat of turtle wax. Surpisingly, the turtle wax seems helps with the build up of film, and keeps the doors duanting :thumbup: But I have OCD too, and take a towel or a piece of toliet paper after I rinse the razor off when I'm done and dab the water droplets off :blink:

I hope this helps :001_cool:

Thanks for the advice everyone. Yeah.. it is the soap scum that really gets me. I like the idea of being able to show the razor to people and have it look shiny and pretty. I will need to test the scrubbing bubbles and Brasso.
Having managed to locate Simple Green (in Malaysia? cheap even!) I now just squirt it on, give it a good scrub with an old toothbrush and shine it up with Autosol. Once a month is good enough.
Soap scum is way of life for razors. I clean mine with a toothbrush and liquid soap once a month. Some gents do it more often.

This is pretty much how I do it as well. I wipe off the heads of my 3 piece razor every couple of days as others have mentioned.
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