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Razor Aggressiveness

So I've started DE shaving using a Weishi razor even though there have been mixed reviews about it here on B&B. I think for the price it's been a great way to learn, but there are parts of my face where I have to get pretty aggressive with it. Maybe it's not heavy enough? Maybe other razors expose more of the razor blade allowing for a closer shave? I find that I have to work harder at the mustache area than I anticipated.

Is a more aggressive razor one where the blade is more exposed? If so I may need to try one to really understand the difference.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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This page might help you in regards of aggressiveness...

Heavier the better? No. It depends on the razor. I had a very light razor (Hoffritz Open Comb) that was perfect aggressiveness-wise. I had a very heavy Gillette NEW with a BullMastiff handle that was also perfect.

The blade gap and blade angle will define the aggressiveness. The Weishi is very mild as a razor, it was my first razor. You might be ready to upgrade to another razor...
That makes sense. I'm glad to hear others have learned using this razor. Now the desire to upgrade to a new razor is going to start building. Waiting for Christmas could be very difficult! LOL
In the meantime, you might be able to improve your weishi's performance with a different blade. What are you using at the moment?
In the meantime, you might be able to improve your weishi's performance with a different blade. What are you using at the moment?

I'm using a Shark at the moment. I've also used a Derby which I think I liked better. The Merkur gave me the most irritation, but just had to try!
The Shark is probably the pick of those. I used a Weishi when I started and I'm thinking I'll start my son and step son with one. Reason being that you do need to get your angle right or you are just pushing lather around.
As you focus in until you get yourself your new Christmas present, you should find it has built a good foundation for you.
The Shark is probably the pick of those. I used a Weishi when I started and I'm thinking I'll start my son and step son with one. Reason being that you do need to get your angle right or you are just pushing lather around.
As you focus in until you get yourself your new Christmas present, you should find it has built a good foundation for you.

That's great to hear. I was concerned at first with starting out with the Weishi, but I am becoming more comfortable with my purchase and my progress.
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